24.)Mating Season?!(Part 3)

Começar do início

"You seriously gotta quit doing that!"

"Haha, okay!"


"Night Natsu."

It wasn't nighttime, but we still said good night nevertheless. Eventually, I fell asleep in his warm, comforting, arms. He continuously held me tightly, as if wondering if i was still there.

"hm... Natsu?"





"Hm? oh.. sorry Luce, I was just thinkin' about somethin'..."

"Well... what was it?" I asked, caressing his cheek.

"w-well... I just thinking about us. You. I want you to be happy... but i always seem to annoy you.. sorry..."

Woah. Woah wait! I feel terrible..

"Hey hey hey! You don't make me unhappy, sure you may be annoying sometimes, but you always make me smile. You make me happy anytime you're close, Natsu."

He sighed and blushed lightly. He hid his face in my chest and hugged me.

"Thank you Luce.. You're really nice.."


"Hey, you finally woke up."

"What!? Why am i back here?!"

I desperately shook around, but only the shackles moved locations.

"Quit moving. That noise is annoying me."
He said fiercely.

I stopped moving after remembering my last dream. He was so scary.. I hate this Natsu.. This Natsu scares me..
This Natsu makes me sad..
This Natsu... Isn't Natsu..

"You aren't Natsu! Natsu would never do this! He's a sweet guy! He'd NEVER hurt a friend!"

"Well, I'm not Natsu.. i'm a dragon.. Natsu's true form. I am the real Natsu.. the natural one-"

"NO YOURE NOT. NATSU IS NATSU. AND YOURE NOT HIM."I screamed, he seemed annoyed.

"Lucy, I love you. You're in this chamber because they wanted to take you away from me. I can't let that happen."

"Then explain to them! Explain to them why you can't be without me! They'll understand.."
I smiled, a warm one. This smile was real.

He smiled to.

"Heh, Lucy, I forgot how cute you are. I would explain. But i'm scared they'd just take you away again.."

again? this must be a premonition..

"Idiot. They wont. I won't let them! I want to be with you.. forever.. but.. when you're acting normal again. How you are now.. is scaring me Natsu.. Please.. don't scare me.. make me smile.."

He flinched a bit..

"I'm... scaring you?"

I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't scare me Natsu. Make me smile...

You always do.

So do it again.

You've never made me cry.

So keep it that way.

I've never been scared of you.

So be yourself.

Be yourself.

Because I love you.

I love Natsu...

Natsu Dragneel.."




"Are you okay?!"

He was hovering over me with a worried expression.

"Huh? Y-Yeah... I'm.. fine."

"Lucy, you're crying. What happened?"

"Just a bad dream."

"It was more than just that..."

"I-It doesn't matter anyway.. C'mon, let's go get breakfast."

That dream... that dream.. that dream was so real.. what is this? I can't let Natsu feel threatened... I have to stick with him.. til the end... no matter what..

"Natsu I-"

I turned and saw him painfully looking at me.

"What's the matter Natsu?"

"You're sad."

"I'm not sad!"

"Yes you are."

"I'm not. I'm just scared."


"I'm scared because of what might happen if i leave your side... So i won't. I won't leave your side Natsu."

He smirked and nodded.

"Good. I want you here. 24/7."

"Yeah..." I smiled and hugged him. A nice, tight, hug.

"Lucy, lemme pick out your outfit."

"huh? Why?"

"Men are pervs, and I don't want anyone lookin' atcha."


Wait... don't tell me it's...

Day 2- Protectiveness

Nalu OneShots! ;)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora