2: You Can Only Observe - Part II

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She nodded. "This is where my former uncle lived."

"Former uncle? Lived? What do you mean?" Corvus asked.

"He was my uncle until last month. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but my family kicked my uncle out of the Chelavye clan. And now he's committed suicide."

"I don't see him here, but how do you know he committed suicide?"

"He left a note," Mira said, pointing to a piece of paper on the desk.

Corvus picked up the note and read it.

Dear Mira,

If you're reading this, then I'm sorry that I won't be there for you anymore. I enjoyed having you as my niece, and I treasure all the memories of your visits. I've failed my family, I've failed Ilysveil, and most importantly, I've failed you. I'm going to join your aunt Stella in the eternal realm, so don't look for me. Look through the looking glass and seek your own happiness. If it's you, I'm sure you can transform the pieces and find the brighter future I lost.

With love,

Alfonse Chelavye

The letter left a bitter taste in his mouth. Family politics in all three of Ilysveil's major clans were nasty. He didn't really want much to do with this mess.

"This seems very tragic, but how does this involve me?"

"I was very close to Uncle, and even after he was banished from the family, I often visited him. He would tell me stories and teach me alchemy. I asked my parents why they kicked Uncle out, but they wouldn't tell me. One day when I was walking down the street, I saw your parents. They said, 'Alfonse has been removed. So it's not going to work after all.' I ran over to the Morgensterns and asked them if they knew anything about Uncle. They just dodged the question. But they knew something about him for sure. I tried talking to any Morgenstern that I could find. At last I found you."

"You do know that I'm also in limbo with my relationship to my family, right? If you think I have any inside knowledge of the Morgensterns, forget it. All they do is send me money every month to help pay the rent. I have to work to fund the rest of my living expenses."

"Even so, you're the only one who was even willing to talk to me about this. I just can't let it go like this. I have to at least know why he died. I'll give you anything you want, please!" Mira begged.

"Why are you so insistent on having me help you? You could probably get anyone on the street, and it'd probably be the same. I'm a Morgenstern in name only."

"My parents aren't helping me, and Uncle's gone. I'm all alone, but I don't think I can do this alone. I'm sorry for dragging you into my personal problems, and I know it's selfish, but I'm afraid. If at least you're by my side, I might be able to confront this issue. The way you patiently endured those Parsentheons and the way you were willing to put up with me, it showed me that you might be a good person. So please, help me."

Corvus felt the barrier of his peaceful uneventful life under threat by her intense will. He wasn't sure if he could help Mira, and regardless, if he accepted her request, it meant venturing into an unknown world of trouble. Still, she had bared open her heart and pleaded. She would give him anything he wanted. There was one thing he had wanted long ago, but he had dismissed it as nothing more than a fantasy. The girl standing here, though, made him want to believe it was possible.

"Mira, look carefully," he said. Mira watched him obediently. He pulled off his wig, revealing his flowing silver hair.


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