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 "No." I growled. "Absolutely not." "But sir, there is confidential equipment and blueprints at the lab! We have to send someone to retrieve them!" The soldier squirmed uncomfortably under my stone cold glare. "But we cant send Paul. He is my best soldier, and if we lost him, our army would immediately suffer." The soldier looked down at his feet, and touched his nametag gingerly. 'Pau Wesson' is what was engraved in it, along with the number 1022. "Then I'll go. I can handle it sir, I promise." I stood up from my padded 'throne', and walked almost all the way down the steps so that I could look him in the eye. While he was not my tallest soldier, I still only came up to below his shoulder.

"Pau. You do realise that one of these men you will be infiltrating the house of is one of the smartest men I have met during my time here on planet Earth?" He nodded. "Do not hurt him." I said this part in Norwegian, which he did not understand, but nodded anyways. As I switched back to English, I drilled him about what he was to do and say. "And remember soldier," I pulled the collar of his shirt so that his head was near my chest, my mouth to his ear. "If you fail this mission, I will have everyone you love killed in front of you, and then have you join them in the grave." He visibly shivered, and quickly exited the room. I lingered in the room a little longer, then headed to the hidden door behind my chair.

The room was dark, with only a single lamp lighting the dark space. It sat on a light mahogany desk, covered in papers that needed to be signed, officiated, signed and signed again. I used my forearm to clear a spot on the desk and pushed up my blood red sleeves up to my elbows. I used loopy, slanted cursive as I wrote 'Tord Blackwood' over and over again. I noticed my handwriting becoming sloppy, so I threw down my pen in frustration and attempted to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

As I lazily glanced around the room, desperate for a distraction from work, my eyes rested on an old photo, framed by delicate silver plaits. A photo from when I was young. My old roommates.Edd, wearing his signature green hoodie, held a can of soda, one arm wrapped around his best friend Matt. Ringo, his fat grey ragdoll cat, was perched on his shoulder, meowing at the camera for attention. That damn cat would do anything for a pat. Matt wore a purple hoodie and green coat, winking at the camera, while trying to get a glimpse of himself in his trusty pink mirror. Tom, wearing a navy blue hoodie, glaring at someone next to him with his void-like eyes. Me. My hair was in the classic horns that refused to lay flat, even with a pound of hair gel. My red hoodie was in pristine condition, the same blood red I had always loved. I had my tongue stuck out at Tom, and had one arm linked with Edd, the other poking Tom in the cheek. 'Classic, stupid, Tom!'

My robot hand reached out and turned the picture face down. The photo was like a shovel to a garden for my soul. It dug up memories I didn't want nor expect to find. My childish days were behind me, the army had chosen me to be their leader. I couldn't let them down just because miss my old 'friends.' I had built this army from the ground up. I'm not stopping now.


Wow my very first wattpad story. I hope you guys like the first chapter! I'll try to stay consistent... but no promises ;)

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