"I want a baby." You blurt out, shutting your eyes tightly as you await his response.

He's quiet for a while, and all the time you don't dare to move a muscle. Thoughts of all the things he could say or think run through your mind.

Would he be super happy about it or does he think you're not ready yet? Does he even want a child at all? Would he kiss all over your face telling you he waited so long for this moment? Or would he say no because of their busy schedule?

After a few minutes he slowly sits up, causing you to open your eyes as he gently pushes you off of his lap. "You mean like, a real baby? Like a child of our own?" He eventually asks.


He looks away as he thinks about it. You feel your heart pound in your chest as you nervously wait for what he would say next.

"I-" He starts, but pauses to heave a deep sigh before speaking up again. "No, we can't have a baby." He says and brushes his hands through his hair.

You feel your heart drop at his words. Even though you knew you had to be prepared for a yes or no, it still hurt. His words still cause a pain to rise in your chest, right at the place of your heart.

Yoongi puts his hands over his face and leans his elbows in his knees, sighing deeply once more. You don't know what to say as you sit there, hands on your lap, staring at nothing in particular as tears well up in your eyes.

He doesn't want to have a baby with you, but he always talked about how he loved playing with Jimin's child. Always had this huge smile on his face whenever Namjoon visited and brought his daughter with him. Didn't he love you enough to have a baby of his own with you? Didn't he want to be a father?

A soft sob leaves your lips and tears roll over your cheeks as you think about it. You really wanted to have a child with him, to go shopping for kid's clothes, to grow a baby belly, to love a mini Yoongi and to have two rappers running around the house. Why didn't he want the same?

Yoongi looks up as soon as he hears you crying, his eyes wide. "No, ugh," He groans. "Baby c'mere. He quickly but gently pulls you into his lap again, pulling you against his chest. You burry your face in the crook of his neck and grab his shirt in your hands as he soothingly runs his hands over your back.

"Please don't cry. I didn't mean it like that. I love you so much, mh? I hate to see you cry, please stop crying." He softly murmurs and lovingly presses small kisses to the side of your head.

After a while your crying ceases, only soft sniffles heard as Yoongi gently pushes you back, cupping your face in his hands and wiping your tears with his thumbs.

"I really didn't mean it like that, I promise. I'm sorry." He says with a guilty expression on his features. You lightly hit his chest with your fist. "Then why say it like that?" You sniff again.

"I have no idea." He lightly chuckles to lighten the mood a little. "I was just shocked, to say the least. This isn't something we can just do, this is serious."

"I-I know, but you always say how much you love the kids of the others, and how badly you want to be a father too sometimes."

A soft smile makes its way to his face. "I really want to be a father, trust me."

You furrow your eyebrows. "Then why-"

"But that doesn't mean we can just get one." He interrupts you.

"Why not? I mean we have the money, I have all the time to care for the baby when you're gone, he or she can have play dates with Hoseok's boy, and we'll finally have our family." You say as you hopefully look into his dark eyes.

"That's not the problem." He sighs.

"Then what is it? Don't you want to have a child with me?" You softly ask as you look down at your hands.

"God no! Baby of course I want a child with you!" Yoongi frantically says and cups your face in his hands to lift your head so he can look into your eyes. "I want nothing more than having a baby with you."

You look up to him. "Then why did you say no?"

He lightly chuckles and pecks your forehead. "I just don't want to see you in pain. I asked my mother about it a while ago and she said it hurts like a bitch. I don't want to see you go through all of that."

Your heart skips a beat at his words, and a smile makes its way to your face. "You've thought about it before?" You ask, watching as he adverts his eyes and nods. You lean forward and place your lips on his in a small peck. "That's adorable Yoongi."

"I'm not adorable." He furrows his eyebrows, making you chuckle. "Whatever you say."

A sigh leaves his lips as he pats the small of your back. "Let's get in bed, mh?"

You smile and get off his legs, getting under the covers. When he lays down as well you immediately scoot closer to him. He wraps his arms around your waist and closes his eyes.

"We'll get a baby eventually, right?" You carefully ask. Yoongi hums as he thinks about it. "Mhmm... Only when I'm mentally prepared to see you in pain."

"You know that the first months aren't even that painful? I'll only be in pain in the last months and when I give birth."

"We'll see." He sleepily mutters under his breath, a permanent pout evident on his lips.

"Promise me you'll get me pregnant sometime." You say as you peck his lips, which form into a gummy smile when you pull away. "I promise to book a nice weekend away for us when the time's there, okay?"

"Sounds perfect." You say and nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck while closing your eyes. "Thank you."

"Yeah yeah. Thank me after I did all the work."

You feel your face heat up a little, and you lightly hit his chest. You feel the vibrations in his chest as he chuckles, his adamsapple bopping up and down a little. "Sorry not sorry."

"Idiot." You mutter as you let yourself relax.

"I love you too, baby."

You softly smile as you start to drift away, listening to the steady beating of his heart. With every breath he takes you feel the movements of air on the top of your head. Normally you'd find it annoying, but when it's Yoongi, you're only happy. Happy he's here next to you.

You softly smile as you let yourself drift away into a deep sleep, hoping to dream about a little Yoongi running around the house while yelling how much his golden chain is worth.


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