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Ruby stood with her arms crossed, observing the implantation from the lookout over the surgery.

The girl on the bed had tears streaming down her face as Lino injected her IV with a clear fluid, a nurse busied herself preparing the room moving trays closer to the table and adjusting the light.

The girl, was Aura. she had been brought here three years ago and this was her second implantation for the facility, and clearly she had learned from the last time she was here to just accept it.

"She ready" a young nurse with a high bun entered the observation room, showing Ruby a tablet.

Ruby nodded at her, and the nurse left, without another word.

She then re-entered in the surgery turning on the monitors and various equipment, then assisting Lino with dressing for the procedure. The girl just laid, staring up at the ceiling.

The tablet she held had the information for the procedure. The Greene's children. Ruby scrolled down, one embryo was a perfect DNA matched child, for Lino creating embryos he was ten steps ahead of modern technology, so that one was to him, a day in the park. The other, however was theirs. A new Bellevue. The girl on the table was going to carry one of the next generations of enhanced humans. that second embryo was a Bellevue miracle, created from the best of the best before her, breeding out flaws, abnormalities and defects as well as perfecting a genetic code that is resistant to disease, starvation and even the common cold. But this one, a  new hybrid and the first of a line of humans with sensory traits and structures of animals and plants. She was only the second embryo to take, and if she made it through this incubation, her dna alone would be worth billions to various government and of course private bidders.

The girl on the table had been prepared for months. Her body was perfectly conditioned now to hold this little one, they had taken more time, more money, more options this time, it couldn't fail. They had made it this far and the outlook was more than promising. This embryo almost double in size faster than any previous, and it soon became evident it had potential. Ruby grinned at the thought while turning off the tablet and looking back down to the procedure.

Lino looked up and nodded, and the same nurse, Evelyn - a perfect example of their work, brought the cart holding the refrigerated case.

The girl closed her eyes, before the sedation even set in. Lino was steady and calm, and very quickly he had guided the catheter into her uterus and deposited the embryos. Lino once again looked back up at his sister, who nodded and then left.

Walking a short distance down the hall to another smaller surgery room,  Eliza laid smiling, legs in stirrups waiting.

"Ruby" she said, pleased

"Hello Eliza"

Ruby stood by her bedside, straightening out her skirt, and her back, always in perfect presentation, like the rest of her staff in every department.

"Are you comfortable?" Ruby asked, as a point of manners more than anything

"Yes, thank you" she responded, sounding as such

"Wonderful" Ruby smiled "Lino wont be too much longer, and we'll make sure you're well taken care of after"

"I know" Eliza beamed "Mother told me it takes a week or two to recover but i have plenty of study i can do in the meantime, i am not afraid"

"You're mother was a great success, and you are her and more, and your eggs Eliza will be even more perfect than both of you" Ruby spoke with reserved pride

"I can't wait" Eliza said in equal tone. She knew her role here, she was born into it. Her mother, just like her was a product of the facility and had grown knowing she would contribute to the line from a very young age. By five years old with an IQ already at an advanced level, she understood herself. She loved that she was a true creation. She understood the outside world and spent some time travelling, although nothing called to her more than the facility and helping to continue the lines of perfected creations, just like her.

Ruby lifted the tablet "this is for the Greenes"

"Oh" Eliza sat up, and gave a thumbs up pose with a huge smile. Even in a hospital gown she looked gorgeous

Ruby sent the picture immediately to the designated phone. That phone was the only connection the Greene's had to information, and she was sure they were watching it with great anticipation. They would have no idea that the person carrying their child was in fact in the other room. Eliza was a front, and her egg extraction was the perfect set up to look like she was in fact being inseminated. the Greene's would never know, and they didn't need to because even the incubators were taken care of better than they would have been in prison. at least here they served a purpose.

Ruby kissed Elizas forehead. All of them were a part of her, she had some sort of participation in every embryo and child. She didnt care much for the children of the clients, they were an accomplishment but not hers, but the Bellevue children, they were special and as cold as Ruby came across, each one of them knew she admired and loved them.

"Your mother will be in shortly im sure" Ruby said as she walked to the door, glancing once more Eliza, and closed the door behind her.

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