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Sal looked over the nights menu. Breakfast had been cleared, lunch was about to be served and it was time to set up for dinner. The staff stood around in a circle, leaning on stainless steel counters, walls and racks waiting for instruction, while others busied themselves wheeling carts in and out of the dining room, clanking dishes in the sinks and refilling the baymaries.

"Grilled chicken and whitefish, wild rice, steamed vegetables" he read, "southwest salad or minestrone soup" he turned the page "desert bar - jello, ice cream, fruit, brownies"

he looked up "Antonio"

Antonio stood off the rack of warm bread rolls, unfolding his large arms standing well over a foot taller than Sal

"Carrots, asparagus, butternut squash and brussel sprouts, lightly seasoned"

"On it" and he was, immediately heading to the industrial refrigerators with Kurt after him, pushing a cart

"Annette and Lim"

Annette, her hair in a ponytail held in a hair scooted next to Lim, a forty something Korean, very good with knives

"Desert bar Alex and Ben, Soup and salad Natalia and Michael" Sal commanded "Jaleel, you come with me"

The staff went to work, all in clean whites, busy moving from here to there on their tasks like clockwork. The kitchen large with all of the most efficient and modern appliances shone, catering for the entire facility for both inmates and staff and the occasional gala.

Sal and Jaleel stood in front of the exit door from the kitchen, both looked up at the camera, a green light appeared then the door unlocked, opened automatically and closed behind them. The repeated the process for the next door to the office where behind the desk sat a cleanly bald man, broad muscled shoulders and a strong jaw. He looked up and nodded at them to come in, then again to sit down.

"Commander" the two nodded, expressionless

"We have two new incomers tonight, they will be meeting with Arlo and Leno in the Basement, room 13 at 7:30pm. You'll be emailed the details"

There hadn't been any incomers for months, the last one was Alexis Brown, a young woman he believed was still in transition because he hadn't seen her since she had thrown the shake against the wall in protest of her new acomodations and conditions of her stay, that was about 6 weeks ago.

It was always hard to accept, no one took it well, not even Sal when he was new here. He was in transition for almost 3 months before he understood and complied. It was either that, or be subjected to the depths. He wondered if Alexis was there. Some just couldn't find a way to live with it, and the depths were the final stop. Once you went down there, there was no coming back.

The commander sat back into the chair studying them both. They didn't move, and wouldn't until they were released.

"This is your first incoming meeting Jaleel"

Jaleel nodded "yes commander"

"You will not speak, or react to the incomer, are we clear?"

Jaleel nodded once again

Jaleel Knew what this meant. Sal had already lectured in detail how he had to restrain himself from any emotion, he could not respond to the pleas or reassure in any way. He was there to prepare supplements, serve and leave. Jaleel had stayed to the rules, he accepted being in the program without hesitation and barely knew of the workings of the facility. He woke up each day, worked 12 hours in the kitchen, attended medicals, showered and went to bed in his own cell, falling asleep with a book. He talked when he had to, did what he needed to, went along with the tests and considered them a small price to pay to no longer be in the hell of a mainstream prison. His life was over, he was never getting out and his choice was rot in prison, or take the offer to donate his body and time to the program for the rest of his days. He had made the choice, and he obeyed without question, not yet experiencing the level of punishment this place was capable of.

"That's all" The commander said, unwavering his direct eye contact.
The men left under his tone.

Sal received his orders an hour later.

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