"How about your college?"

"Like a year long summer camp... The practice is very intense but I'm happy that my new friends is very supportive" he said making you glad that he is okay.

Kuudere (Kanou Ruka)

Ruka was accepted in the first rate veterinary university that very famous to produce high class vet rather easily, as for you, you are really glad to be able to get into first rate university thanks for Ruka who attentively teach you.

Today is your first date after you accept to university, you're waiting for him at the place you two already agree with "(y/n)" you heard him calling.

"Ah! Ru-KAA?!" you said as you're shocked to see his appearance.

Ruka coming still with his dirty white lab coat, unshaved prickly beard, black bag under his eyes, and a veey messy hair "RUKA WHAT'S HAPPEN TO YOU?!" You asked.

"Don't worry... I just haven't slept for 3 days... Or 4? I don't remember.... But I don't want to make you worry so I'm coming as soon as my shift to look after my team's cow pen end..." He said.


At the end you two go back to his house, you drag him into his room and push him to the bed "We're not going anywhere with you like this!" You said.

He sigh then pulling on the hem of your clothes then pat the bed beside him asking you to lay down with him making you blush but do it anyway, he hug you tight and inhale the scent of your hair "Hah... I missed you so much..." He said while caressing your hair and get asleep little by little, you smile at his sleeping gesture then kiss him on the lips before join him to the dream world.

Himedere (Minami Kei)

Kei is always different from other peoples and you know that, he is superior and a genius since born, even for college at the time peoples was studying very hard to be accepted by an university, Kei was invited to study at a first rate university, as for you, you're accepted at second rate university because it's impossible for you to chase after Kei to his university.

Since accepted at university Kei become super busy and often neglected his health even more after he move to his new apartment to live nearby his campus, you often help him relax and take a rest but since you got into college you also become busy as well, but today you finally have time and decidednto visit him but... Here you're face to face with Kei whose face very pale and clearly lost few pounds.

"When the last time you sleep?" you asked while glare at him and cross your hands.

"Uh... 3 days ago? B-but i take 1 to 2 hours of nap a day" he replied.

"When the last time you eat?"

"Er... Yesterday lunch? Uh- no yesterday breakfast... B-but i still drink coffe and hot cocoa"

"Did you think that kind of lifestyle is acceptable? HMM?!" You asked with even darjer aura.

"N-no... B-but I'm very busy i can't stop my self fro-" he said which cut by you.

"NO BUTS! You're a freaking college student! You have to be able to take care of your own self!! Now close that laptop and get onto the bed!!" You said lecture him and he just nod and do what you said.

You sit on edge of the bed then stroke his messy lion-like hair "Just take a nap, i will cook something for you" you said.

"Miso soup?" He asked.

"Sure... with grilled fish, rolled egg and kobachi?" You asked.

"You know me so well, you're the best" he said before instantly fall asleep.

You chuckle then go take you things to buy ingredients at the nearby market.

Yandere (Hijiri Naoto)

As you know, Naoto was accepted at the police academy to become a police but because of that he have to live at the dorm and undergo a very strict training both physically and mentally, he not allowed touch his phone or get outside the campground at all for the first 6 months, also, because of the rules Nao have to shave his head bald.

As for you, you are accepted at second rate university and finally able to meet Nao after 6 months of no contact at all and when you meet you're pretty shocked by his appearance mostly by his hair.

His body is become ripe, his shoulder is wider, he definitely got even taller, his hair is super short and hia muscles is definitely showing "Uwahh Nao is that you?" You asked.

"Did i really change that much?" He asked.

"Very! And uwahh.. your hair is prickly!" You said as you touch his head.

"Funny to the touch right? It's my first time to have hair this short!" He said.

"I really shocked when i saw yo-" you said but got cut by him hugging you.

"I really miss you.." he said with his face on your hair.

You got silent for a bit then smile and hug him back, letting your yearning out making your tears rolled down your cheeks, you start sobbing because you're missed him too much.

Sadodere (Suzuki Renji)

Help manage the man, go to class at campus, chase a wanted, do some yakuza things, go to the orphanage, and many more things is what Renji always do in a week, normally he always have time for you but since got into university his time with you become even more limited than usual.

Normally, your date is from morning 'till 5 pm but since he got into university it's become morning 'till 3 pm then when you also get into a first rate university it's become just 3 hours date.

You felt lonely even though you understand for you to be able to meet him at least once a week is already good enough remembered by how busy Renji is, but maybe because usually you have him for a day, 3 hours of meet really make you felt lonely.

And this week Renji really super busy because there's an attack on his family turf so he have to help to patrol the place make your only 3 hours of meet disappear.

The attack seems to be coming from other yakuza group because the attack is coming steadily and planned pretty well, doesn't want to get you in danger, he told you to not contact you AT ALL until the situation is safe.

~ 3 weeks later~

Right now is midnight but your mind can't relax at all, you missed him, so much that it's hurt so badly, you look at your phone, scrolling down peoples number then stop at Renji's, your mind is blank but you tap the calling button to connect you to him.

Your phone let out the connecting sounds then his firm voice comes out "Didn't i told you to not contact me?" He said harshly.

Your eyes widened, you didn't relieze you missed him this much so ignored his harsh tone you start sobbing and whining wanting to meet him, Renji a bit shocked when he heard your whining he immediately understand that you missed him "I'm sorry... The place is still danger, i really afraid they will tap our conversation and know your location" he said trying to reason with you.

"I don't care! I want to meet you!" You said still sobbing in between words.

"I'm sorry okay? Please bear with me for a bit more okay? I also missed you, i really do... But your safety is my priority, i want you to be safe... Knowing you safe is soothe me... So you have to endure your loneliness okay?" He said.

You who still sobbing understand what he mean, you're really understand, but you're not strong enough to endure your loneliness "T-talk to me p-please? E-even just 5 m-minutes?" You asked.

"Sure" he said.

Renji talk with you about things he missed about you and you grasp on your phone as close as possible to give you the feeling of him being near, his voice lull you to sleep make Renji have to be the one who disconnect the call after he sure that you're sleeping.

He sigh and close his tired eyes for a moment then imagine his time with you, the only thing that make him keep going.

The 7 "Deres" Boyfriend Scenarios [Editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now