Ch 40: Cheater, PART. 4

Start from the beginning

There, right on a far picnic bench was the couple- glaring daggers at both you and Violet.
Great.. just great.

"Hey guys! Yea, I'm speaking to you!!" Violet shouted across the courtyard. The couple jumping with shock. "I just wanna know... have you caught sexually transmitted diseases yet? I sure hope so..." Violet muttered the last part under her breath. Flashing a wicked smile towards Louis and Clem.

The couple immediately got up and stormed off without another word- acting as if you guys were the bad people.
"Mannn fuck them!" Aasim suddenly spat. Mitch who was standing next to him nodded in agreement.
"What a bunch of losers." You muttered to yourself. For them to have the hide to GLARE at YOU, then losers is all they'll be.

"Who's the losers?" Marlon asked with a raised eyebrow.
The hell? When did HE get here..
"Take a wild guess." Violet stopped you from replying, knowing fully well that it was indeed Marlon's fault for why you had to go hunting all the time with Clementine and Louis.
"Are you talking shit about me??" Marlon growled talking a step forward.
Seriously? He really thinks it's all about him!

"Oh believe me, if we were- we'd say it to your face" Violet remarked, crossing her arms.

"You're really that bold huh?" The mullet wearing male sneered.
"Well I hate to burst your bubble but, no one disrespects me." He declared. Pointing a finger accusingly- to which Violet immediately slapped his hand away.
"It's rude to point asshat." She queried sternly.

"You're lucky Rosie is taking a nap..." Marlon grumbled under his breath.
"Or what? You'd sick her on me??" Violet challenged with a raised eyebrow.
"Damn right. Maybe that'll bite some sense into you" and with that, he walked away huffing cuss words to himself.
"Yea he left at the right time.. he knew very well that I was about to beat his ass." Violet raised her voice so that he could hear.
Aasim let out a big sigh whilst Mitch shook his head, "the amount of times you guys fight..."

"He starts it." Violet said simply, finishing the conversation, stringing you along with her as she stomped away.


You were currently on the bell towers roof, with the one and only Violet, gazing at the stars before voiding your gaze onto the people in the courtyard. Most people were heading to bed whereas the couple stayed next to the fire cuddled up with one another.
You would have thought they looked cute if you didn't hold a huge amount of hatred for the two.

"Ugh.. just look at them. They're all over each other!" You growl as you watch Louis hand his trenchcoat to Clem so that she could be warmer.
He was then smothered into a hug with her...
You felt your heart ache.
"I'm gonna be sick." You cough.

Violet who was sitting next to you chuckled.
"Yea... hey, wanna do something?" Her voice suddenly filled with mischief.
You narrow your eyes at her jokingly, "depends on what it is"

Violet smirked, "well it involves pissing Clem and Lou off-
"I'm in!" You immediately held out your hand for her to shake, making it a deal.
"Alright then... shit, we're doing this" she flashed a smile.

In 1 minute flat, you and Violet were down from the bell tower and quietly approaching behind near the fireplace. Louis and Clem had their back turned facing the fire so there was no way they'd see you.
"Okay- So firstly, we'll throw random stuff to confuse them. I'll next throw something flammable and then hopefully on of them get set on fire" Violet whispered.
You eyes widened, "whoah there! Isn't that a bit too far? I want them to suffer but I don't want them to get cooked!" You hastily whisper yell.
"Okay, okay! Fine I'll just bring them to the fire then"

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