Chapter 12

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It's been about a month since Alaina was born, and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm no longer in constant pain, and she has finally adjusted to a sleep schedule. She still doesn't sleep all night, but I'll take what I can get. Aaron and I have become closer than ever before, and he even takes care of her so I can sleep sometimes.

Today I'm bringing her to the stadium for the first time to meet all the guys. I got both Alaina and I dressed, and put her in a swaddle wrap on my chest. Aaron is already gone for the pregame practice, so I headed to the train station to get to the stadium. Once I got there I used my badge to get in the front gates and headed downstairs to the clubhouse. I could hear music blasting from the locker room so I opted to sit in the clubhouse lobby.

"Well look who it is!" I heard Didi say from behind me.

I stood up and turned around to face him with a smile.

"How are you?" Didi asked. "And how are you?" He asked again playing with Alaina.

"We're doing great. I can't wait to get back here though."

"We can't wait to have you back." Didi said, heading back into the locker room.

I texted G and Aaron to come out of the locker room to hang out a bit before the game.

T: someone is here to visit you two!

G: YAY! I'll be right out

Aaron: ^

Not long after I saw two tall boys walk out of the locker room laughing with one another.

"Hey mama, how are you doin'?" G asked.

"Pretty good, you wanna hold her?" I asked G.

"Of course."

I unwrapped her from my chest and she fussed a little about that, but she got over it once Uncle G was holding her. G was entertained with the baby while Aaron and I hugged and started to talk.

"So G and I were wondering if you would want to do a dinner tonight? It can be at your place and we'll bring the food." Aaron asked, and he seemed nervous.

"Sure, wanna watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones too?" I asked.

"I was hoping you'd ask that." He said, a smile spreading across his face flashing the gap in his teeth.

I smiled back and then looked over at G and Alaina. G was just admiring her as she slept. I walked back over to them and the smell of G's cologne took over once to retrieved Alaina from him.

"Did Aaron ask you about the plans for tonight?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"I'll probably be about an hour late, but Aaron should be there at around 4." G said.

"Okay sounds good." I said repositioning Alaina to be on my chest.

I scanned around the room for Aaron but before I saw him I saw Gleyber.

"Gleyber!" I said approaching him.

He recognized who it was and came in for a hug.

"How are you?" I said referring to his injury.

"Good! I'm cleared to be back on the field tomorrow night."

"Wait really! That's awesome." I said.

"And is this the little princess we've all been dying to meet?" He asked.

"This is Alaina Grace." I said introducing him to her.

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