Chapter 5

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I woke up at 10 and ordered room service for breakfast. While I was waiting for that, I got in the shower and then got dressed. I wore black leggings with a Yankees hoodie and some Nike's. I heard a knock on my door as I was putting my hair up.

"Just a minute." I yelled as I finished my hair.

I opened the door and the room service was here.

"Thank you." I said tipping him.

I took my food into my room and ate while watching last nights highlights of the Nationals game.

•At the Stadium•

I unpacked my sports medicine stuff in the clubhouse office and waited for some of the guys to come in and get their pregame wraps done.

One by one they started coming in and I wrapped up wrists, ankles, and put on support devices. Once they were all ready I headed to the dugout with them.

They warmed up before the other team, and then the game started. We were doing pretty good at the top of the 6th, 5-2. Gleyber is up at bat, and the crowd is cheering him on due to his homer at his first at bat. One pitch was thrown to him and it was low and to the right. Another was thrown, and my stomach dropped. I heard the crack of the ball hitting his helmet, and as soon as it registered that he was down I ran as fast as my pregnant belly would let me.

"Gleyber!" I said trying to get his attention.

He was very foggy and wasn't with it.

"Torres can you hear me?" I asked as the team huddled around me.

He turned his head toward me barely opening his eyes. I heard Boone tell the ump to call 911.

"Can you squeeze my hand for me?" I asked hold his hand.

I got a decent squeeze out of him. I could see that he was trying to sit up so I stopped him.

"You need to stay laying down until the paramedics get here." I told him.

I could see that the helmet had cracked and blood was coming out of it, but I couldn't take off his helmet because it could be holding the bleeding in and he definitely has a concussion. I saw that the paramedics were coming onto the field with a gurney. They took over from there and I stepped back in shock of what I had witnessed. I looked around at all of the players and all I saw was a wave of worry. Behind Aaron's y'all stature I saw the pitcher at the mound with a look on his face that I didn't like. I started walking over to him when I heard Aaron say:

"Taylor, what are you doing?"

I ignored it and continued walking over to him. Once I got up to him he just stared at me.

"Don't you EVER do that to one of my players again. You could have killed him hitting him in the head like that. You should know better!"

"What can I say, I have a killer arm." He said as a I walked away from him.

I chose to ignore it because I knew he was trying to get me going again. Once I got back to the dugout with the guys, Stanton approached me.

"What did you say to him?" He asked.

"I just told him not to fuck with my players and that he should know better."

I didn't mention the 'you could've killed him' part because I didn't want anyone to worry. But it was true. A hit like that to the head, helmet or not, can cause serious injury.

After the game Boone asked me to join him for the press conference.

"I have a question for the athletic trainer?" A reporter said.

"What did you say to pitcher Clayton Kershaw?"

"I told him that what he did was dangerous and that as a professional athlete he should know better than to inflict an injury on another player like he did."
I told them.

We both answered a few more questions and then the PC was over. I went back to the clubhouse and packed up my things.

"Hey Taylor, would you want to grab something to eat with me and Judge?" Stanton asked me.

"Sure, what are we having?"

"You're the pregnant one, what are you craving?"

"Tacos." I said.

"Okay, we'll be ready in just a minute."

I waited for them outside of the clubhouse on a bench. Not long after they both came out.

"You ready?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah." I said and started to get up.

Well that didn't work because I ended up sitting back down because it's hard to stand up with a huge bowling ball for a stomach. Aaron reached out his hand and I smiled at him, accepting the gesture. He helped me up and we all left the stadium.

We took an Uber and Aaron sat in the middle right next to me. I noticed that he was looking down at my stomach.

"Are you afraid she's gonna pop out?" I asked.

"No- I just-"

Before he could finish I interjected.

"I'm just kidding, you're fine." I laughed and the look on his face softened.

We got to the Mexican restaurant and Stanton helped my pregnant self out of the car. We were sewed immediately and I ordered three tacos.

"So have you thought of any names yet?" G asked.

"I already have a name picked out, but I'm struggling with a middle name."

"Well what's her first name?" Aaron asked.

"I'm keeping it a secret until she's born, but it starts with an A." I told them.

"Is it Aaron?" G questioned jokingly.

"No!" I said and we all laughed.

Our food came and we talked about everything but the game. We got a text from Boone after dinner that Gleyber had a severe concussion and bruising, but there was no swelling or brain damage.

"He's super lucky." I said as we rode in our Uber back to the hotel.

"I'm glad he's okay though." G commented.

We arrived back at the hotel and we walked to our rooms. G's room was before mine so Aaron walked with me to my room. Once I unlocked my door I turned around.

"Goodnight." Aaron said with a shy smile.

"Goodnight." I replied smiling back at him.

I locked eyes with him for a second before shutting the door. Fuck, I can't be catching feelings for one of the players. And what makes it even worse is that I'm catching the vibe that he likes me too.

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