Chapter 9

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(Taylor's POV)

I woke up with cramps, but a few weeks ago my doctor told me it was normal at this stage. I got up and went into the kitchen to see Aaron and G making breakfast.

"Hey mama." G greeted me.

"Hi." I said sitting down on a barstool.

Aaron handed me a plate of bacon and eggs and I thanked him with a warm smile. He sat next to me and began eating off of his own plate. After we were all done eating we headed over to the stadium.

Today they just have practice, so I got to hang out in my office for a while. I sat on a yoga ball because I'm super uncomfortable today, plus I have cramps.

•2 Weeks Later•

I am now 34 weeks pregnant, Aaron and I are doing great and have become super close. I managed to sneak him into my apartment last night and he spent the night. I'm currently laying awake in bed and it's 2:30 in the morning. I look to my left to see Aaron's large frame sleeping peacefully. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Before I even sat down I felt a hush of liquid spill from between my legs. I thought I peed my pants but the liquid was clear. Did my water just break? I'm only 34 weeks this can't be happening.

After I realized what had happened I yelled for Aaron.


I tried not to sound like I was dying but it sure felt like it. Soon after I heard quick footsteps and then Aaron's tall frame appeared in the doorway.

"My water broke." I said with a shaky voice.

He looked down at the puddle beneath me in shock.

"We need to get you to the hospital." He said.

He grabbed me a pair of sweatpants and we were out the door. In the car Aaron held my trembling hand.

"Babe, it's okay. You're going to be a great mom."

I squeezed his hand in pain as my first real contraction hit me. Aaron looked worried but he would never admit it. Once we got to the hospital and I saw my doctor I felt a little better. He sent me to a room and the nurses hooked me up to an IV and two bands monitoring the baby around my belly. Aaron didn't leave my side and held my hand through every contraction. They only came every five minutes, so I had a while to go. A nurse walked into the room just as I was having a contraction.

"Hi, I'm Amy, I just need to see how dilated you are." She said sweetly.

I let her check me and she said I was only at two centimeters. I heard Aaron snap a picture of me.

"Really? I look so rough right now." I complained.

"You look beautiful." He smiled at me.

" He smiled at me

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