Chapter 2

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"You're what?! How did this happen?!" My mom was excited for her first grandchild.

"Well I'm 23 now and I'm single and I really want a baby so I got an IUI."

"Do you know who the father is?" My dad asked.

"No and I want to keep it that way."

"Well the baby needs a father in its life." He countered.

"We will be fine. And hey, maybe we'll find one."

It's been four months since I found out I was pregnant and I've told everyone that I thought should know. I heard from the Yankees organization a while back and I start in March. I'll be almost 6 months pregnant by then but they have an assistant trainer who will take over while I'm on maternity leave. I went for my 4 month check-up today and tomorrow is the gender reveal party. I'm so nervous, only because I don't know what to expect.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" My friend Dawson exclaimed.

"I am too, but I'm also like shitting my pants about it." I told him.

"You'll be a great mom either way."

"Thanks." I said as that reassured me.

The day rolled by slowly and it felt like I did too. I'm pretty big for only 4 months pregnant, and I feel that way too. It's getting hard to do basic things like get up and move around.

Eventually I fell asleep on my best friend's couch, which probably wasn't good for me or the baby but I slept just fine.

I woke up the next morning to blue and pink balloons all around the living room. Each one had a card attached to it with a baby name. I looked at all of them and realized that they were the names I had discussed with my friends.

"Happy gender reveal day!" My friends yelled.

"I'm pregnant and hungry, give me food." I said.

"Already beat you to it." Emily said as she brought me a plate of pancakes.

"Ugh, my queen." I said to her stabbing them with a fork.

I ate my pancakes and scrolled through Instagram, seeing that the Yankees were posting about their pitchers and catchers. I daydreamed about what it would be like to travel with a professional team like that, and on top of that being pregnant too.

"Are you ready?" Emily asked, seeing the empty plate.

"Yeah, we're getting ready there right?" I asked.


Dawson laughed as I slowly got off of the couch.

"Shut up!" I laughed with him.

I wore a pair of maternity leggings and a white top that just barely showed my growing bump. Everyone had just arrived, and the black balloon in the back yard was taunting me.

"Are you ready?" My mom asked me.

"More than ever."

We all gathered in the backyard, everyone with a phone pointed at me.


I popped the balloon with a thumbtack and was attacked with pink dust. Everyone including me screamed. I hugged my two best friends, all of us in tears of joy for my new baby girl.

After everything had calmed down, we were all sitting around the kitchen table.

"So have you decided on any names yet?" My brother-in-law asked.

"I'm down to about 2 or 3 but you'll find out my final decision when she's born." I said.

"You're such a pain!" He exclaimed.

Everyone eventually went home and I went upstairs to bed. I decided to post a picture on Instagram of the gender reveal.


Liked by Yankees, giancarlo818, emthagem, and 34,576 others@t

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Liked by Yankees, giancarlo818, emthagem, and 34,576 others
The universe knew I needed a badass sidekick, so it gave me a girl💖

Yankees: Congrats! Hopefully a future Yankee fan?

t.miller.trains: @Yankees If she's anything like her momma she will be!

emthagem: so excited to be an auntie!

giancarlo818: congrats, can't wait to meet you both!

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After I scrolled through my phone, I went to bed.

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