DJ Jr.

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"Dinah! Put me down!" Normani squealed.

"It's almost my birthday, let's have some fun!" Dinah said and Normani laughed.

"You're gonna make me vomit on you if you don't put me down!" Normani said and Dinah put her down really fast as Diana laughed at them.

"Mama's gonna puke on you." Diana said on the floor laughing.

"Haha, splash!" Lawrence screamed splashing all them making them jump.

"Lawrence, don't scare them." Camila said and Lawrence pouted.

"Okay, fine." Lawrence and Diana tackled him making her fall on top.

"Lawrence!" Diana screamed and Lawrence smiled.

"I'm 2 and your 1 haha." Lawrence laughed.

"So, I got 2 months left." Diana said crossing her arms.

"Where's the others? Normani asked.

"Helping taking the food in, but Camila ran in after Lawrence." Lauren explained will holding the food.

"Yay, food!" Dinah and Diana cheered.

"Lol." Lucas said giving the bag to Dinah.

"Eww, he's about to be 9. He's growing up too fast." Dinah said and Lucas laughed.

"Sorry auntie D." Lucas said.

"He's about to be a 4th grader." Camila said rustling his hair.

"Jesus." Normani said.

"Someone called?" Ally asked making her appearance.

"No, I said- never mind." Normani said.

"Dang it, Allysus has arrived." Lauren said and Ally smirked.

"Let's Jesus be with you." Ally said rubbing her belly.

"Hiyo, cousins." Alex greeted.

"Hey Alex." Cameron greeted.

"Hallo, let's go eat." Lauren said and the kids ran to wash their hands.

"I need some water." Normani said going to the kitchen.

"Alright, some one birthday is coming up." Camila said.

"Turning 22 finally." Lauren said patting her back and when the kids came back, they heard a glass shatter.

"What the hell, was that Mani?" Dinah asked and they shrugged.

They ran into the kitchen to see Normani clutching her stomach and her over a puddle of water.

"Shit, her water broke!" Camila said and they ran to her aid.

"Come on, baby. We need to get you to the hospital." Dinah said and Normani nodded.

"What's going on? Is Mama in pain?" Diana asked with tears in her eyes and Lawrence hugged her.

"I think she's going to be fine, right Mommy?" Lawrence asked and Camila nodded.

"Yeah honey, it's time for your baby brother to come out." Camila said kissing their head.

"Come on, Diana." Lawrence said interlocking their hand and walked her to the car.

"Get in, kids." Lauren said opening the door for them while putting JJ in.

"I heard we are going to the hospital." Lawrence said.

"Yup, you pay attention, kiddo." Lauren said rustling his hair.

As they reached the hospital, they rushed to get both them and Normani out.

"I bet you $20 a patient is going to walk through those doors." The doctor said.

"You owe me if they are pregnant, $40." The other doctor said.

"Deal." He said and income a pregnant making the other doctors smirk.

"Scratch that, you owe me a date." She said and he bit her lip.

"Damn." He said going to her aid.

"Jesus, y'all again. I remember watching you all come to the world." She said.

"Yeah, we have one left." Normani said breathing in and out.

"Okay, fuck this." Dinah said picking her up and the doctor ran with them to the room.

"She was close, good call." The doctor said getting everything ready.

"Yeah, no problem." Dinah said sitting next to Normani.

"Kids, you stay out here. It's not the most pleasant view." Lauren said and Camila laughed.

"That was your fault." Camila said and Lauren scrunched up her nose.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Lauren said watching from the window.

"What's my brother going to be named?" Diana asked.

"I heard they were going to name him, Dylan." Camila said as they heard a loud scream.

"Wow, you weren't that loud." Lauren said.

"Oh no, uh the baby is stuck." The doctor said making Camila and Lauren snicker.

"Stuck! What the fuck do you mean stuck?!" Normani asked and yelled, Camila and Lauren blocked the kids ears as she spoke.

"It's stuck, oh wait. Never mind keep pushing." The doctor said and Normani was about to go off, but she felt Dylan moving making her yelp.

"Get this damn baby out of me! He's moving!" Normani yelled out making Camila and Lauren go into a full blown laugh session.

"Here he comes." The doctor said and he came out quite quickly making the doctor hard to catch him.

"Oh thank God." Dinah said.

"No more kids." Normani said scared for her life.

"Yes ma'am." Dinah said looking at Lauren and Camila who were laughing their asses off.

"Here ya go." He said giving them the child and Normani smiled.

"Hi Dylan." Normani said.

"I thought you forgot about him." Dinah said and Normani shook her head.

"Dylan James Hamilton Hansen." Normani said and the doctor quickly wrote it down.

"Okay, DJ Jr." Lauren said.

"I saw y'all laughing." Dinah said.

"Y'all were laughing?" Normani asked.

"The baby is stuck, what do you mean he's stuck, nevermind keep pushing, he's moving inside of me." Lauren mocked.

"Shut up." Normani said.

"Can I see my brother, please?" Diana asked and Dinah picked her up.

"He's so cute." Dinah said.

"I love him." Diana said and Dinah out her down.

She kissed him on the head and smiled as he smiled.

"Uh, I'm late for a date so..." The doctor easily slipped out and they rolled their eyes.

"Hiyo, old friends." Austin greeted and everyone looked at him.

"What the hell do you want?" Lauren asked.

"Just getting my son, calm down." Austin said leaving and Dinah snickered.

"That boy is going be a true fuck boi." Dinah stated and everyone bursted out into a fit of laughter.

A/N: So, I'm just chilling. it's a Saturday. Just eating some snacks and talking to you reader. 12K on this story. I can't thank you guys enough. My story is also on #21 on Camren ranking charts. Like really thank you.

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