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Marina's POV-

Ugh all the boys keep looking at me!! I think they're planning something.

I'm standing in the backstage wings still and yeah, I'm nervous. What is up???

Halfway through their set, just as Andy finished singing Days Are Numbered, he started a speech.

"Alright guys. I need your help!! See, there's this girl. And she's really shy but she's super pretty and I really want to ask her something. I'm gonna call her out here and I want you guys to be super supportive to her." The crowd screamed and began to freaking riot.

My heart stopped. Did andy mean me?! Was he really gonna make me go on stage?

"Hey Marina I want you to come her. Before CC gets too anxious and stabs someone with drumsticks. The ones he wanted to shove up your stepmom's ass. And we don't want someone getting stabbed by those do we?" he smiled and laughed at the memory while the crowd looked confused but unsurprised at CC's antics.

I moved forward not looking into the crowd. What if they think I'm ugly? what if I'm stupid to them? What if I'm too fat? I already think I am. Andy didn't know it but I had relapsed recently and started cutting again. I just feel so low.

Andy walked over and took my hand. The first cords to Ritual began to play slowly.

"Marina, you are the most beautiful girl ever. Now this is really important-"


"NO, CC that's not it. Now shut up!"

CC looked at Ash who was laughing his ass off and smiled slyly. "Hey ash-"

He was cut off by andy's yelling.

"SHUT UP YOU DILDOS." The crowd laughed while CC and Ash stood there confused.

"Ok Marina" he said turning back to look at me, "what I must know is, will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears sprung into my eyes.

"Y-y- yes!!" I cried

Andy swooped me up into his arms and kissed me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. It was like fireworks. Perfection.

The crowd started screaming andy and i's names. I giggled a little.

As andy sung Ritual he carried me around and stared right at me the whole time. Finally I found a place where I felt wanted. As Andy Biersack's girlfriend.

Sorry it was short guys!! But I owed you an update. It's sorta sad but happy I guess. It sucks but it's also 9:40 PM and I have an AP test tomorrow and I'm stressed and not in a good mindset right now. Life can be hard. Alright Juliet no one cares. Move on. Umm, THANKS FOR READING AND COMMENT AWAY. VOTE AWAY. FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR - bandsrwhyilive. Ily and listening to Hospital For Souls (BMTH) sometimes this song is needed on repeat.

- Juliet.

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