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A/N ok so it's possible that this is going to be spazzy because it wouldn't update the last chapter title right. It supposed to be We Don't Belong. If it does say that ignore this. If it doesn't then well leave a comment and I'll keep trying to fix it. I hate technology sometimes. Well this is dedicated to my readers cause what's the point if I don't have you! Thanks guys!! You rock! PLEASE COMMENT!!!:) ps I am totally making up peoples personalities.

Andy's POV

That girl was so funny. I don't know why I thought so but she's really awesome. She looked so upset that she was stammering her sentences to me. I can't help but feel intrigued by her.

I was walking around outside after the concert. Just trying to get some air and space. I love performing but it gets so tiring and hot in those in door venues. Lost in my thought, I was pulled out of my mind by the sound of some girl screaming and then abruptly being cut off. I took off running towards where I heard the sound. Turning the corner into an alley, I was sickened by the sight of some freak on top of a teenage girl. I yanked the guy up off her and started throwing punches. He hit me back but I was so pissed off that I barely felt them. I heard bone crunch beneath my fist and felt the man's nose give way to my fist. Looking down at him, I blankly noticed ruby red blood pouring straight down his face. Then dimly I became to realize that I had knocked the man out. I ran to the girl lying on the floor and took her pulse. She was still alive, her pulse was strong. I reached into my pocket, called 911 and told the operator where I was and what had happened. Then I waited.

*After Talking To The Cops*

I answered all the policeman's questions then asked for clearance to take the girl home. They seemed wary at first but I told them that I knew her. Because she hadn't been raped, and was still knocked out, they consented and let me take her.

I carried her all the way back to our tour bus. Knocking on the door, I waited til someone answered it. That person turned out to be CC.

"Heyyyh!!!" he started yelling. His voice faltered when he realized what or rather who was in my arms. "Umm, andy?" he looked concerned.

"CC I'll explain. I didn't do anything. I found her. Let me in first and get the guys and I'll tell you all what happened." CC nodded, moving out of my way and into the living area to gather all the guys. Ashley came out of his bunk looking confused.

"Andy where wer... umm ok, Andy new question, who is the girl and why is she unconscious in your arms? And am I the only one concerned about this?"

" Ash, let me explain. But first can I please set her down and sit down?"

Once I did that, I proceeded to explain to all the guys what had happened. As to be excepted they were all outraged.

"What type of sicko does that?"

" Is she going to be ok?"

"Thank God you found her. But is she hurt?"

"If I ever meet that guy..."

" That freak!!!"

All of these were shouted around the room. Jinxx was ready to kill someone and Jake couldn't figure out how someone would hurt her.

I sat there and just let the guys yell. After about five minutes I went to go see if the girl was awake. She looks really familiar.

A/N sorry this was really just a crappy filler chapter. But I have some stuff planed!!!! This is my second update today but I'm busy with lax starting tomorrow- good and bad thing- so I figured I would just knock out 2 chapters now. I'll try to update soon. I don't really care if I update too much but is it too much?

Anyway- as always thanks for reading!!

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