Days are Numbered

553 21 25

A/N Please comment!!! I love comments!!! Idont care what u comment. Even if all u say is a band quote, your favorite song, or to tell me u hate my story. Actually no. The last isn't ok :) but please comment?:) dedicated to @automicpoison cuz she's an awesome friend and a great person!! sorry this took so long. Now go read!

*right where we left off*

Andy's POV

I walked over to the couch were I had laid the girl down. God I just can't figure out why she looks so familiar. This is driving me crazy!! Whatever I'll just ask her when she wakes up. Speaking of which I really hope she does soon. The medics said she should wake up pretty fast and that she didn't have a concussion. I hope she's ok.

I knelt down next to the girl. I could feel all the guys watching me.

"Dude what are u doing?" CC asked.

" I swear I know her. Plus I'm worried about her waking up. I'm sure her parents are freaking out"

"Andy it's gonna be ok. I mean - Whoa look guys- her eyes just fluttered"

We all turned back to look at the girl who was indeed waking up.

Marina's POV

I heard voices all around me. Ugh my head was killing me. What happened? Slowly I opened my eyes and was meet with the sight off bright blue eyes staring back at me. I jerked my head back in confusion and looked at the group of people before me.

Holy shit!! That's, BLACK VEIL BRIDES. Wait but why am I here? All this thinking hurts my head. I stared at Andy, hoping he would understand that I wanted an explanation with out having to ask for it.

I think he got it cuz he started to talk.

"Hey honey, are you ok? I'm sure you have no idea what's going in but I wanna make sure your fine before I explain"

"Yeah,I'm ok I guess" my voice cracked and sounded weird. " Why am I here though. What happened. And my head hurts so bad"

Jinxx handed me 2 tablets of Aspirin and a glass of water. " For the headache" he said. I smiled in thanks and downed the pills.

"So... what happened?" I glanced at Andy hoping what I was starting to remember wasn't true.

Andy smiled at me with pity and sympathy. Shit, I thought did that all really happen.

All the boys began explaining and by the end I was sobbing.

" But now your safe and we'll take you home, ok?" Andy finished. " We will never hurt you. Hey it's gonna be ok" he gathered me in his arms and let me cry on his shoulder.

"I. I am sorry I'm crying, it just ... I ... I don't know what to do. I'm scared... " great now I'm blubbering in front of my idols. "And do I really have to go home?" I asked

"Umm why wouldn't you want to... Oh." Was all CC said. I think he got it. I'm not the only fan they have that has problems.

"No of course you can stay longer!!" Was Ashley's attempt at being cheerful.

"Thanks. I don't wanna deal with my step mom now."

"No problem. why don't you tell us about your self? I think it will get your mind off everything and we would love to get to know you," said Jake. Andy nodded in agreement and smiled.

I looked into those perfect blue eyes and wondered if I wanted to share my pathetic life with these wonderful people. Why not? They seem to care. Finally some one does.

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