Desiring Visions and Dreams

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How do we have desires for more visions and dreams in our lives?

Acts 2:17 NKJV
'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

I just love this because God has already put visions and dreams inside us. A part of Spirit filled living, is having visions for our lives and dreams of how we want to live this life. So for myself that makes me believe that our imagination is all about having visions and dreams – we dream for things we want in our lives, then we have visions of how we want these dreams to occur. Now this might start to get slightly confusing to some, but as we look closer we see how this all fits and comes together. When we have dreams of our accomplishments or desires, these are things we cannot physically see, yet we still have dreams about them. Then these dreams turn into visions for our lives, that then gives us a hope in this world. Now let's take it a step further – our imagination gives us hope, our imagination gives us visions and dreams of things we desire. This is just another way of saying that we need to have an imagination, we desire to have an imagination. We simply can't survive without having a positive imagination. So let's just recap all of these phrases that have been said once again. We all have visions of where we want to go – We all dream of things we want to have – we all have desires for things we hope to have.

We have the control of how big we wish for our visions and dreams to become. So why do we let negative thoughts patterns control us, instead of us controlling these thoughts? Why do we become slaves to all these negative emotions? We stop our visions and dreams, when we let our emotions take control of us. We simply become a bag of emotions, as I like to say. One day we are fine, thinking positively about our visions, then the next day we are at war with ourselves over negativity. This process keeps happening over and over again, it is like we are an endless circle, one minute fine, then in distress. That word negativity started to really annoy me, as I was stuck in this violet circle of emotions. No matter what I tried to do, negativity just followed every situation. Negative thoughts of myself, of my past which just led to my emotions enslaving me.

The word emotion also means – a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances or moods.

Another meaning for word emotion is – instinctive or intuitive as distinguishing from reasoning or knowledge.

The first definition of the word emotion, is all about feelings – feelings of how we allow negative circumstances to control us from achieving what we wish to do. Or how we can let positive feelings control us, but at the end of the circle negativity awaits. All I was doing was creating strongholds in my life, by letting these types of emotions control my outlook of life. Now if we act on the second meaning of the word emotion, of being instinctive or intuitive as distinguishing from reasoning or knowledge. This is where we move away from feelings and allow wisdom and knowledge to control our actions. That wisdom or reasoning or knowledge will always come from God.

God’s words will always bring positivity through reasoning and knowledge, as where the devil tricks us with feelings of emotional moods of negativity. Once again this is how the enemy tries to keep us in sin. I know I used that phrase a number of times now – it is so true though and so important to understand this. If we turn our backs for just a second, the enemy is just waiting to jump on it. Another way of saying this is, as soon as we let our guard down, the enemy will strike. This is where we enter a world of creating strongholds. When I created strongholds in my life, it always started with a thought. This thought then begins to change into an emotion. I saw myself defeated, as I felt like I was second best. This then changes again, as I made that thought a high thing in my life, impossible to overcome, then over time that thought became a stronger emotion, slowly becoming my stronghold in life. Then finally I exalted that problem (emotion) over my life. Now I always saw myself defeated before I even tried to accomplish anything. This is the circle of positivity and negativity – starts off good but then negative thoughts follow to destroy our thinking and way of living.

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