Walking By Faith

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So how do we walk by faith?

We could say that many people can come up with an answer to this question, as I stated in the previous chapter we see faith all through the Bible, let alone just in these three Scriptures. I still feel that we need to learn to understand what faith really means and looks like. Learning and reading through Scripture was what helped me understand what God shows us.

II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

I want us to look at this Scripture, not to make it sound clever but break it down and understand what God's will is for our lives. The end result really took me by surprise.

For we walk by faith – we need to learn to walk by faith, that God wants us to have big dreams and big visions. Not by sight – don’t continue walking by fleshly desires, which in return give us corrupt dreams in this life.

So after quoting that scripture makes us wonder what we know so far about sin? It corrupts our way of thinking for a start. it makes us doubt ourselves. It destroys God's image inside of us. This is why I feel that God tells us that we need to learn to walk by faith, because when we walk by sight we enter back into sin. I use the word Learn a lot only because I have done things wrong so many times by using my knowledge.
Thinking I knew what was best, when in fact I wasn’t even close to the truth of right and wrong. I needed to have faith basically, faith of how God's love can work within my life – we need to have faith, knowing that God wants us to have a big imagination. It takes an imagination to walk by faith, knowing that there's nothing too big, nothing that's impossible for God to do in our journey. Motivating ourselves to do something is a start, getting up and doing it, now that’s the action of faith. As we bring that action into the word of God, I believe it is how we Learn to walk-in faith.

I read about so many individuals in the Old Testament, on how they walked in faith with God’s word. It made myself think; were those men, Moses, Daniel, Samson, David more special than myself on how God blessed their lives? No is the answer and this is why. When we first read about individuals like these men in the Bible, we feel that they were chosen for a reason. Which is true they were chosen by God, and they showed their faith during their time. They were just men like myself, they just walked by faith believing in God. A God that they knew could do miracles like none other. I began to notice that it wasn't walking by faith that I needed to do, I needed to Learn to live by faith. When I was living by sight, seeing what the world could offer me. It was pleasing at first, but slowly became irrelevant over time. For example, when I saw people who had really nice things, nice clothes, nice houses, nice cars, great gadgets. I wanted to have those things as well.

I desired those nice things all the time. This was in the mid to late nineties. Now those things I desperately wanted have faded away, they have become old and not in fashion anymore. The point that is being made here is, the things of this world will never last, they will always fade away in time. We can read and understand more about that in the book of Ecclesiastes within the Bible – of how things of this world don't last. Now God says the things He gives us are eternal. Learning to see how God sees our lives is the next step, of how to see through the eyes of God, this way we can learn not to see through our eyes.

II Corinthians 4:18 NKJV
while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

At first I got really confused with this Scripture, it just sounded like it was backwards and didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Once I gave it time to work though my thoughts, wow I really got it then – these things that we see in this life, we use our five physical senses to do so.

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