Part 3

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The family lives together happily until the Second Northern War in 1654. During this time, two things happened that would drastically change the family. First, the colony of Nya Sverige expanded, coming close to the borders of New Netherland, which the Netherlands didn't like. Second, Sweden had to leave the colony and go back to Europe to fight in the war.

In 1654, Swedish soldiers in the colony seized the Dutch's Fort Casimir. Then, there was the opening of the Second Northern War, in which soldiers started going back to Europe to fight. Now in the summer of 1655, Finland is alone in the colony with Nya Sverige, who is now about three years old physically, with the Dutch at their doorstep. Literally.

"Shh Aatto," Finland soothes his crying son. "Ïsa needs you to be quiet right now, okay? Please?" The toddler, still crying, nods and covers his mouth to muffle his cries.

"Good boy," Finland praises, kissing his son on the head and setting him in a trunk full of clothing and blankets. He gives Nya Sverige his stuffed rabbit. "Ïsa will be right back, I promise."

There's knocking at the door and Finland lowers the lid of the chest. Taking a deep breath, Finland leaves the bedroom to open the front door, revealing the personification of the Netherlands himself. Finland puts a hand on his hip, checking for his knife as he smiles at the Netherlands darkly.

"Hello Netherlands," Finland greets. "What do you want?"

"My troops have captured Fort Christina and Fort Trinity," the Netherlands opens. "I didn't see you fighting with your people Finland, which suggests there's something even more important here."

"Maybe I just didn't want to fight?"

"The memories I have of the Vikings suggest otherwise, and we both know old habits like that are hard to break," the Netherlands counters. Finland winces lightly, remembering the days he fought alongside Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Though his people were not Vikings, he would often travel with his fellow nations and occasionally participate in a few raids. He was often a hidden fighter, catching the enemy by surprise and incapacitating them before they could see him. "The fact that you aren't off fighting in Europe at Sweden's side right now is suspicious enough, but to not fight here? You're hiding something big."

Finland says nothing, not having a counter for the Netherlands' argument. Not waiting for one, the Netherlands shoulders his way past Finland into the cabin home, inspecting the main room first before entering the bedroom. At first, Finland thinks Nya Sverige is safe when the Netherlands overlooks the clothing chest, but his heart thunders when the other nation opens the chest to reveal the colony. The Netherlands picks up Nya Sverige, and turns around to question Finland, only to have a knife pointed at his throat.

"So this is what you were hiding," Netherlands muses, unperturbed by the weapon.

"Put. Him. Down." Finland grits out, eyes on his fearful son.

"Ïsa," Nya Sverige whimpers.

"The personification of the land I presume?" The Netherlands actively ignores Finland's demand. "He should belong to me anyway, seeing as I had a colony here first. Tell me, where did you find him?"

"He doesn't belong to you!" Finland snaps. "And I didn't find him! I birthed him you bastard!" The Netherlands almost drops Nya Sverige in surprise.

"You birthed-?" Every nation knows that to have birthed a personification is a blessing, something sacred.

"Yes. Now give me back my son before I slit your throat and take him myself." The Netherlands nods, and hands the colony back to Finland. The nation sheathes his knife as he takes his son into his arms again. "Hello Aatto," he coos.

"You do know that I won't give this colony up," the Netherlands warns Finland.

"I know," the Finn sighs. "Just, give me time. At least until Sweden returns."

- - -

So the Netherlands does. The settlement is incorporated into New Netherland on September 15, 1655, but the Netherlands allows the people to live as they were. Afterwards, Finland begin to allow the Netherlands near Nya Sverige, wanting to make the inevitable transition easier on the toddler. He dreads the end of the Second Northern War, knowing that it will mean that he and Sweden will have to leave their son behind.

However, Finland will have to leave Nya Sverige, now New Netherland, a lot sooner than he expected to. In mid-summer of 1660, a ship arrives in port. Five Swedish soldiers exit the ship, and make their way to cabin in which Finland, New Netherland, and the Netherlands are currently outside of. Upon approaching the three personifications, a soldier pulls out a scroll and begins to read.

"At the behest of King Charles XI of Sweden, it has been decreed that the personification on Finland, also known as Tino Väinämöinen, is to return to Sweden. He is to leave behind the personification of New Netherland, also known as Aatto Johan Väinämöinen-Oxensternia. This order is to to be carried out immediately."

"No..." Finland mutters as two soldiers grab him by the shoulders. "No!" He wrenches his shoulder out of the grip of the guards and tries to reach out for New Netherland. Two other soldiers also go after Finland in an effort to restrain the nation.

"No please!" Finland cries out. "Not like this! At least let me say goodbye!" The soldiers restrain Finland as if he were a common criminal.

"Ïsa!" New Netherland shouts, trying to run to Finland, but the Netherlands picks him up.

"Nee, Aatto," the nation soothes the emotional toddler.

"But Oom, they hurt Ïsa." The colony protests, wiggling in his "uncle's" arms.

"We can't do anything," the Netherlands tells him, running a hand through New Netherland's hair to try and calm the now crying colony.

Finland is crying too, hot tears running down his face as he struggles to get back to his son.

"Minä rakastan sinus!" (I love you!) Finland shouts.

"Minäkin rakastan sinus!" (I love you too!) New Netherland shouts back before burying his head in the Netherlands' shoulder and sobbing.

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