Part 1

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After months on the ocean, the ship carrying Swedish and Finnish colonists as well as the personifications of Sweden and Finland finally reaches land. For 28 years, since 1610, the Swedes have been visiting and trading in this New World, now they have come to establish a colony to compete with the Dutch. The Netherlands has already established a colony in 1621, the trading colony of New Netherland.

Now though, the Swedes and Finns are traveling to establish a colony in their trading post. Though the reason is unknown to them, the personifications of Sweden and Finland have waited impatiently to arrive. The reason?

Finland, masquerading as a woman for his safety, is pregnant with the personification of this land. Nations don't get pregnant unless they're giving birth to another personification, and Sweden and Finland haven't travelled to any other land but this one. Realizing that the trading port is the only place that their child could personify, Sweden and Finland began making plans to travel to the soon-to-be colony. After finally getting approval from Sweden's monarch, the journey to colonize the region had begun.

Now here they are, Finland within a month of his due date, in the newly established colony of Nya Sverige. Once they dock at the trade port, Sweden and Finland are the first off the ship. Word had been sent ahead of time to the traders in the region and there was a hut prepared for the two countries. By the time they reach said hut, Finland is panting from exertion.

"You make this harder than it used to be," Finland chuckles, resting a hand on his stomach and smiling fondly at it. Sweden gives a small smile, watching his "wife" interact with their unborn child.

"Oh!" Finland exclaims, startled. "Ruotsi! Come here!" Sweden, though confused, does as Finland asks. Finland grabs his hand and places it on his stomach. The two countries wait a couple moments before it happens again. Sweden and Finland feel kicking against the Finn's stomach.

Finland looks up at Sweden with large, happy eyes that have tears glimmering in them. A wide smile is on his face, and Sweden answers with his own small grin. The Finn laughs, stray happy tears leaking from his eyes. Sweden  wipes them away carefully with his free hand before bending down slightly to kiss the top of Finland's head. The two stand like that together for a while longer, reveling in the feeling of each other, their child, and the new land around them.

— — — 

A month later, shouts and cries echoed from the same hut. Inside, Finland was giving birth to the personification of Nya Sverige. A midwife from the colony was also present, sworn to secrecy about the nature of Finland's true gender.

After a few hours and long streams of Finnish chain-cursing, the personification of Nya Sverige was born. The midwife takes the infant away to be cleaned off, and Sweden kneels down to clean off a panting Finland. 

"Tack," Finland thanks his lover in Swedish. Sweden grunts in acknowledgment and presses a soft kiss to the other's sweaty forehead. The midwife soon returns with their child. Their son is placed into Finland's arms and the midwife leaves, congratulating the couple as she goes.

"Aatto Johan," Finland decides after staring at his and Sweden's son in awe.

"'Noble Wolf'?" Sweden questions the first name. The second name he agrees with, their son is a 'Gift from God'.

"The native land," Finland answers. "It's full of wolves, I found a pack of them nearby the other day."  Sweden nods, watching as Atto turns to look at him. The baby has his blue eyes and blond hair, but has Finland's countenance.

The small family spends the rest of the day and night together like this, the parents taking turns holding Atto and other sleeping or sitting with the other.

(A/N: "Nya Sverige" is Swedish for "New Sweden", but I'll be referring to New Sweden as Nya Sverige to differentiate between New Sweden and Sweden.

"Johan" is pronounced "Yo-han", with the "a" making the "Ah" sound.)

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