Walking By Faith

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It was amazing how so many things started to make sense, like having the light bulb moment we see in the movies. It felt like God was saying, these things that we can touch, hear and see are temporary in this life, so don't get attached to them. This is so true because I could lust for the things of this world but it never lasts long, until a new thing comes along and then we lust for that thing now. Possessions or obsessions, for myself these mean the same thing – our possessions slowly can become obsessions if we are not careful. This is why Scripture tells us about the things that are unseen are eternal, that these things which I cannot see that are of God and they last forever. I believe this because God's love never changes, neither does His promise to us that by His grace we are saved through Jesus Christ. So once again I went on another learning course of how to look through the eyes of God, seeing in faith what He has in store for my life. How do we do that?

I believe that this is down to my imagination again, which involves our visions and our dreams of how much we allow God to move in difficult areas. We achieve this by offering up our prayers to God. That is hope working in our hearts, and it's a powerful gift from God, as we hope for things we cannot see. For instance – we can't physically see and touch healings, but when we believe that God will heal us over whatever we might be going through at the time, physical problems, emotional problems, financial problems. So when we put our hope in God, we begin to receive God's healing power.
Why? Because we are believing in God to heal us, just like all the people who came to Jesus Christ to be healed. Another example of hoping is, when we take medication for certain symptoms. You can physically see the medications Yes, but can we physically see what it does on the inside us No – you just believe that if you take the medication, you're going to get better because a doctor told you it will. So why do we doubt what God can do? God's healing power is beyond our imagination, he doesn't just heal us physically like I said before – He heals us emotionally, financially and spiritually as well. For myself this was how I developed to see through the way God saw myself healed. I began to dream of having an awesome marriage within God’s love, this included teaching my children the ways of the Lord. I began helping others, sharing not just what God was doing in my life, which was a full turnaround, a full transformation really. I was also sharing about what God will do in all our lives according to Scripture.

I was this sinful and angry person, I felt that everything I ever touched went wrong sooner or later. God transformed my way of thinking. He turned my life completely around. I went from a person who had no ambition in life, just false hopes, to this person who was on fire for God. This led me to preaching in church, sharing testimonies of how the Gospel saved my life and how God has healed myself in so many areas of my life. The further I allowed God to work in my life, the further I could see myself helping others. God was blessing me to go and bless others, which is still my prayer to this day, that God will bless myself so that I can go bless others. At first I thought that this was kind of selfish for myself to pray. God bless me first so then I can go bless others. I had to remind myself that the father of lies will try to deceive us in any way possible. Once I casted down those thoughts I saw that I wasn't doing nothing, it was the Holy Spirit working through me as I allowed God into my heart, and He was the One who was doing the blessings not myself. I began helping in running life groups, sharing Scriptures, laying hands on people then praying for them for healings in their lives. I was allowing the Holy Spirit to do a new work within me and through me – my selfish nature had been removed, as I stopped seeing what would benefit myself and began to see how I could help others.

Mark 16:15-18 NKJV
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

When I found Jesus Christ in my life, I wanted to lead others to find Christ in their lives, and to see God's love for them. So I became a leader within our local church. God was just flooding my life with His love. Never in my wildest dreams, after being saved for only one year, would I see myself doing all these amazing things. I trusted in God and He did all the rest.

Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV
"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

God was restoring my old way of thinking, selfish ways. He began filling me with new hopes, visions and dreams, as God made roads though my wilderness by putting rivers in the dry desert of my heart. I believed in this promise of God and began walking by faith afterwards. This only happened by daring myself that it will happen, and that whatever I do in the name of Jesus Christ, God will bless me in all things.

Psalms 37:5 NKJV
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.

So was I selfish in praying these words, Lord bless myself so that I may go bless others. I don't believe that I was being selfish, I dared myself to believe that I was no different from Moses, or David, or Joseph, including many other individuals within the Old Testament and also the New Testament. God is always the one who does miracles and wonders, I just had to dare myself to believe within God to do His mighty work throughout my life.

Imagination A Gift From God Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum