On the Head of a Pin- Part 1

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"Oh, boo hoo, cry me a river," you rolled your eyes, making Uriel take a step forward just as Castiel put a hand to his shoulder to stop him.

"Demons? How they doing it?" Dean asked.

"We don't know," Uriel said as he stared at you.

"I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?" Sam wondered.

"We can handle the demons, thank you very much."

"Once we find whoever it is," Castiel added.

"So, you need our help hunting a demon?" you asked.

"Not quite. We have Alastair."

"Great. He should be able to name your trigger man," Dean shrugged.

"But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse."

"Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are out of your league," Dean scoffed.

"That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got," Uriel smirked which caused Dean to lose his.

"Dean, you are our best hope," Castiel said.

"No, are you out of your mind?" you blew up. "You are not sending him in there to do that!"

"You can't ask me to do this, Cas. Not this," Dean said, his eyes full of emotion even if he didn't show them on his face.

"Who said anything about asking?" Uriel smirked. One minute you were inside the motel room and the next, you were in an unknown building. Looking at the Angels, you couldn't help but get angry at this. Dean didn't know where to go, so when he approached a double door, he saw his torturer in there, chained.

"This devil's trap is old Enochian. He's bound completely," Castiel said once he saw Dean's interest.

"Fascinating," Dean scoffed before turning away from the door. "Where's the door?"

"Where are you going?" Castiel asked, watching Dean stalk to the other end of the room.

"Hitch back to Cheyenne, thank you very much. Come on Y/N," Dean said as he continued his path. Being near Castiel, you saw Uriel disappear only to reappear right in front of Dean.

"Angels are dying, boy."

"Sounds like a you problem," you bit out, looking at Castiel for help. "Why am I here again?"

"Your magic is strong enough to get him to talk if Dean fails. Put them together, it'll work."

"No, you can't make him do this. I won't allow it," you said.

"Hey, I get it. You're all-powerful. You can make me do whatever you want, but you can't make me do this," Dean said.

"This is too much to ask, I know. But we have to ask it," Castiel said before taking a few steps to Dean. Blocking his path, you jammed a finger to his chest, completely pissed about this. He stopped before looking down at you. It was clear he would win in a fight between you two, but you didn't care.

"I'm not asking," you glared.

"I want to talk to Cas alone," Dean suddenly said as he looked at Uriel. Your eyes never left Castiel, you wanted him to know how pissed you were. After hearing a flap of wings, you knew there was only one angel in the room.

"What's going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?" Dean asked, putting two hands on your shoulders in an attempt to get you to calm down. Putting down your finger, your eyes never left Castiel's.

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