Sex and Violence- Part 4

Start from the beginning

"I know what will make them start killing each other," you said as you looked at Nick. "That's what you want right? For us to be together without them in the picture? I can give you want you want. Please, let me do this... for you."

"This could get interesting. Go ahead," he said as you stood up. "Sam, Dean, Y/N would like to say something to you." Both brothers immediately backed off so you could do your thing. Approaching the brothers, you stood next to Dean before leaning up and whispering in his ear. However, as soon as you were close enough, you blew in his ear lightly, a thin line of blue magic swirling from your mouth into his ear. With this magic in their systems, it will protect them like it does with you.

Going over to Sam, you leaned up and did the exact same thing, releasing some of your magic into his body, slowly detoxifying the damage that the demon blood does to him. Pulling away from him, you joined Nick on the bed who couldn't stop smirking. The brothers blinked before coming to realization of what is happening. They both turned to you as you gave them a look, a look of you saving their asses as the siren sat next to you without a clue.

"Go ahead, use the information I gave you to kill each other. I bet you're dying to," you said which gave them a hint to pretend to be under the spell.

"You're not standing in my way anymore," Sam said even though it hurt him to say it. Maybe it was in the way they looked at each other, or how they had soft and painful looks on their faces, but Nick caught on.

"What the hell did you do to them?" Nick asked as he grabbed your chin before forcing your mouth open. Dean and Sam dropped the façade before turning to you and Nick. The only reason they didn't interfere wasn't because they knew you could take him on, but because they didn't want to hurt you. Nick opened his mouth before spitting in your mouth, getting his toxin all over you.

"I want you to kill yourself," he growled.

"Sorry, doesn't seem to work on me," you glared just as your eyes tuned blue.

"Witch, I hate witches. Why isn't this working on you? Witches aren't immune to my toxin."

"This witch is, and you just pissed her off," you growled before slapping his hand away before thrusting your hand against his chest, throwing him into the door which broke upon impact. He toppled into the hallway, and you got up to do some more damage when Nick rushed to his feet. He was about to either run away or hurt one of you, but he gasped as blood started coming out of a wound from the front of his shirt. Frowning, you saw him drop to see your dad standing on the other end of the hallway. When Nick fell forward, a bronze dagger is what killed him.

How the hell did your dad know to come here?


Leaning against the car, you watched your dad exit his before bringing over glass bottles that you hoped contained alcohol. However, when he passed them around, you found out it was soda.

"Soda?" Dean asked.

"You boys are driving, aren't ya?"

"I'm not," you frowned, but drank it anyway.

"Thanks, Bobby. You know, if you hadn't shown up when you did—"

"Done the same for me, more than once. Course, you could have picked up the phone. Only took one call to figure out that Agent Nick Munroe wasn't real," he scoffed. Silence filled the air, and it wasn't the comfortable kind. "You going to be OK?"

"Yeah, fine," you three said which made him tip his hat in goodbye. As he left, you couldn't help but rush over to him. Hugging him front the front, he chuckled before kissing the top of your head.

"I'm just glad you're safe," he said.

"How did you know to come?"

"Had a hunch. Got some help. No biggie."

"Well, thanks. I didn't know how to hold him off for much longer," you admitted.

"Be safe, call me if you need me."

"You too," you reciprocated the feeling before he got in his car and drove off. Returning back to the brothers.

"Dean, look, you know I didn't mean the things I said back there, right? That it was just the siren's spell talking?" Sam sighed.

"Of course, me too," Dean nodded, returning the awkward silence.

"Okay, so... so we're good?"

"Yeah, we're good."

"Liars," you whispered under your breath, which they heard.

"How did you unreversed the spell from us?" Sam asked, and Dean was curious too. Sighing, you knew you had to come clean. Blowing some of your magic into the air, you showed them exactly what you did to them.

"My magic protected me for whatever reason, I figured it'll protect you too."

"How did you know to even do that?" Dean asked.

"A book I've been studying off of. A book I kept hidden from you two. I know it isn't fair, but I need to perfect what I can do. There is a whole other side of me I never knew about, and this book helps me tap into that power."

"Why did you keep it from us?"

"Because it scares the shit out of me. What I can do, I'm scared. When we got you, Sam, from Stanford, I didn't think I would be able to do this kind of thing. Look at me now. Doesn't that scare the shit out of you?"

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