i. floor 7-L

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"Jimin! Stop taking my notebook!"

The raven haired boy looked down at you, a smirk on his face, "Why? It's pretty fun to see what jibberish you write."


Jimin glanced at your pleading face and gave you the light blue book, which made you sigh in relief. You clutched the book close to your chest.

He laughed at that, "Oh man. You and your book."

You stuck out your tongue at him and he laughed, you followed soon after. He was about to say something when-

The bus suddenly came to a complete stop and interupts your thoughts. You jerk forward almost immediately before realizing that this is your stop.

Your eyes widen slightly before rushing off the crowded bus in a flash and start to walk the small distance to work. You take a deep breath, not wanting to dwell on the past. Although they are fond memories, the rest of it isn't so nice. You didn't want to continue the memory.

Besides, you need to focus on you and your job as a songwriter.

You smile to yourself at the thought of your job, your dream. You've always wanted to become a songwriter ever since you were little. Something about creating art that people could listen to and be moved by made you joyful. But you couldn't sing very well, so being a singer songwriter was out of the question. You just decided to lay low and help many artists write their songs in the company you work for.

Indigo Entertainment

It was a small company but many great artists have come out of the company, as well as very well known producers, managers and even songwriters. If you needed to go to any company, it was Indigo.

You happily enter the workplace, greeting the security guard at his desk with a smile and a small wave and reach for the elevator. You press the button for the seventh floor and wait until the door close.

Unlucky for you, the door didn't close right away, allowing many, many people to squish into the small elevator. You groan at the close proximity to people and just mind your own business. You let them chat about whatever the want and not interfere.

But the brown haired guy next to you clearly didn't understand that.

He taps your shoulder timidly, "H-Hey ______ , guess what?"

You narrow your eyes at the intern. Yeonjun was his name and he worked on your floor where all the aspiring, "talented" but "don't have an artist to work with" songwriters go. That floor was always being filled with new people, especially interns like Yeonjun.

He originally was supposed to be under the wing of Taehyung, a songwriter who just made his debut with his self written song, Scenery. But since he was too busy promoting, your boss gave the kid to you.


Yeonjun stares at you excitingly, "Go on _____ ! Guess!"

"Did you finally decide to do something to your hair?"

He instinctively touches his hair before shaking his head. Noticing your mood (and immediately ignores it), he just immediately answers the question.

"I heard the CEO is finally hiring a new singer and this singer will definitely need some people go help me write his songs."

You whip you head to face him, "I thought Kim Daeshim wasn't going to deal with any new artists? Especially after that pop diva Asteria?"

Yeonjun shrugs, "Maybe he's trying something new."

songwriter // pjmWhere stories live. Discover now