A: I know it doesn't seem fair. You haven't done anything wrong. Some people are crazy and should be in psychiatry. Who knows maybe she got out of one. But you shouldn't listen to people like her okay.

He lets Jimin go and turns him around to hug him.

A: You know you are enough and that's all you need. You have so many people here who care about you, don't let one psycho make you feel like shit. Okay?

Jimin nods and looks down. Andy lets him go and the other members give Jimin a group hug that I join.

The perfect moment is broke when the door flies open and a small female enters. She has black hair that is turning mint with length. She makes an enters with a shout in Sang's direction.

??: I swear to god, this girl has all the luck of the world on her side!

She troughs a face mask and plastic gloves covered in blood in the trash by the door, before taking off her previously white lab coat and folding it so she can hold in under her arm. She smiles at the room and bows a bit.

??: Hello, I'm Nadia, the doctor that just saved your boss.

JM: Y/N is okay?!

Nadia: Well yes, for the most part. She does have a hole in her abdomen and quite a bit of missing tissue on her shoulder, otherwise, she'll be fine. It's not the worse she had.

JM: Can we see her?

Nadia: No. She needs to rest and she's still under an anesthetic so she won't be able to talk back.

We all nod as the doctor gives us a reassuring smile. She turns to Sang to speak again.

Nadia: I'm taking her back to base, we have the right equipment there and I need to make her a new implant.

Sang: Sure, you guys go ahead I'll stay here a bit longer.

Jack: Why would she need a new implant?

Nadia: You won't believe this, the bullet went straight through the last one, but since it almost pierced her it started that horrible bleeding.

Jack: Damn she is lucky.

Nadia nods and walks to the door where she turns back to Jack.

Nadia: We were able to get a bullet out. I'll give it to our ballistics at the base. They'll send you the data.

Jack nods and waves a hand to her without lifting his eyes from the screen. She smiles and bows before going out.

Sang: Okay, now boys why don't we let these two work. Let's go to mister Bangs office and have you relax a bit.

We all nod as PD-nim and the bodyguards escort us upstairs.

[Kyle pov]

BTS leaves the room and I get back to helping Jack. I may not have liked the guy at first but he's turning out to be a good guy. He really knows his way with computers and has a fast brain.

I watch him as he searches through databases trying to find a female with a Min surname in her early 20s. You wouldn't believe how many girls fit that description, that's why he's going through every photo of a black hair person which isn't really helping.

BodyguardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang