Chapter Twenty One

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A shiver tugs Mark away from sleep. Confusion muddles his sleepy brain when his eyes open to pitch blackness. He attempts to twist to the side and catch a glimpse of the alarm clock, but is anchored to the bed by something warm clinging to him. It seems to be the only other warm thing in the room as another shiver overtakes him.

Slowly, his eyes adjust, and he finds Jack wrapped contently around Mark's center, seemingly unaffected by the drop in temperature. A smile crawls across Mark's face as he pushes Jack's hair back, away from his closed eyes.

What a gift, a moment like this. Just he and Jack, barricaded away from the rest of the world. Mark finally understands all of those love songs on the radio when he scans Jack's innocent face in the dark. All the lyrics that were never more than a catchy tune suddenly seem like the hold a million truths.

How could he have missed all of this for all these years? How did he overlook the absolute best thing this planet has to offer? Jack was right in front of him for so long and he doomed him to the friendzone just because he was a guy. He had no idea he'd grow to see a piece of his soul in him.

Is that where the term soul mate comes from? That suddenly makes so much sense now as well. Why does this all only make sense now? Is it because of the sex? It doesnt seem like it. Mark hasnt felt like this after sex before. This is more than any lust Mark had ever experience. And sure he's loved people before, girlfriends, family, pets, but none like this.

They never clicked with Mark this way. They never effortlessly made his whole world brighter. This may all sound like a dumb, crazy love story built off fantasy and wishful thinking but Mark can feel it in his chest; this is real.

Mark presses his lips against Jack's forehead, letting them linger a long moment, inhaling peacefully. Jack smells like warm rain, a scent that he's probably carried all the way from home. A smell Mark hopes to never forget. Closing his eyes, he relishes this moment; the sound of Jack's soft breaths, the feeling of his hand resting on his chest with Mark's carefully guarding it, even the cold.

Well, maybe not the cold, he thinks as he tries to nestle closer to the warmth between him and Jack. Sighing, Mark quirks his lips in thought. Surely he cant fall back asleep freezing. He's even suddenly aware that his toes are going numb. Even Jack's shoulder is icy as Mark wraps his arm around Jack's back to rest his hand there. He supposes thats what they get for falling alseep sweaty.

Wrinkling his nose, he banishes the thought to instead think of a way to carefully sneak away to grab a blanket. Once again, Jack is using his bicep as a pillow, and both Jack's arm and leg are wrapped around Mark. Mark bites his lip, gently lifting Jack's limbs off of him.

Here's the tricky part, he thinks to himself as he carefully removes his arm from under Jack's head. Once he's free, he releases a breath he didnt know he was holding, then twists to throw his legs off the side of the bed. Rounding the bed, he steps into the gap between the beds, spinning to face Jack's.

He startles when a hand slides into his unexpectedly, and he spins back to his bed to find Jack's hand in his own. His eyes are still closed when he gently tugs Mark closer.

"Dont go." Jack murmurs, still half asleep. He woke to the feeling of Mark moving away, and watched as he rounded the bed to the free one. In Jack's sleep fresh mind, Mark planned on climbing into the free bed, leaving him alone in this one. Mark smirks, squeezing Jack's hand in his before reaching down to place his hand against Jack's cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb.

"I'll be right back." He assures Jack in a whisper, gently kissing his temple for good measure. Jack nods trustingly, releasing Mark's hand. Mark smiles again, and spins back to the free bed to tug the comforter off. Turning back, he drapes it over Jack, then climbs in beside him. Jack smiles contently, suddenly feeling a warmth engross him. He didnt even realise he was cold until it was gone.

Mark lies facing Jack for a moment, his hand on his cheek once again, willing Jack back into dreamland. He should be thinking about tomorrow, but he doesnt. It doesnt even cross his mind. He isnt thinking about the inevitable end whatsoever. He remains innocently occupied by his content and joy. He wouldnt have it any other way, despite the fact that preparing himself for it may better protect him from certain heartache.

All good things come to an end, Mark, even this. But nothing is more important than savoring every sweet moment.

Thinking Jack to be asleep, Mark rolls onto his other side for comfort, his mind playing a happy little fantasy of the future. When Jack's arm slides around his ribs, his hand taking hold of Mark's, he shimmies closer. He can feel Jack's chest rise and fall, and a pair of lips planting a soft kiss at the back of his shoulder.

Instinctually, Mark opens his mouth to say something, but no words escape. He's ashamed that he hesitates, but he isnt sure he can say it. Its a truth thats becoming more and more apparent and demanding the longer he stares at it.

Its like staring at grenade. Completely harmless if left untouched, but Mark feels like his next words are the order to yank the pin free. The difference being that Mark would have time to ditch the grenade before it blew up in his face. He isnt so sure about the confession painting his throat with temptation.

He wants so badly to say it. Its three little words, thats all they are. He's said them before and nothing changed. He's even said them to Jack before, but its never been like this. He's never been so sure about saying them to another person in all his life. Yet, he cant bring himself to do it. Despite the fact that Jack's sleeping ears are deaf to the world, despite the fact that he's so sure, he wavers.

The advice of his fortune returns to mind: actions speak louder than words. Closing his eyes, he ever so gently squeezes Jack's hand. If he cant say it he'll just have to prove it.

Heres to hoping he finds out how, and soon.

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