Chapter Three

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Around lunch time, the convention slows down even further as people leave in search of food, with the promise to return with full bellies. With that in mind, and the lack of breakfast in his stomach, Mark slaps a hand on Jack's table.

"Come get food with me. I'm starving and I dont wanna go alone." He demands.

"Here I thought I was the bossy one." Jack chuckles, not moving from his seat as he leans back in it, taking Mark's command as a challenge. He may be more thinly built than Mark, but he isnt a push over. He doesnt mind putting up a fight to make a point.

Its not that he doesnt want to go get food with Mark, in fact that sounds glorious at the moment. Its just that he wont take Mark's shit without a fight. Stubborness is a trait he respects in Mark, but occasionally, his own bull headedness makes an appearance. Now is simply one of those times. Maybe its because Mark didnt say please, maybe its because Jack secretely enjoys watching Mark trying to boss him around.

"Thats because 'bossy Mark' only lasts a moment before 'Pissy Mark' makes a guest appearance. I said I want food." He repeats sternly with the tone of a bossy two year old toddler on the verge of a tantrum. He can see Jack taking this as a challenge, and now he's prepared to win by any means necessary. Though he may need a moment to gauge how he'll take his victory.

Jack shrugs and goes back to signing posters as if Mark were no competition.

"That sounds like a you problem." Jack remarks, a smirk on his face. Mark leans forward, placing both of his palms flat on the table in front of Jack.

"We're going to get food, or I'll drag you by your pibic hair." Mark threatens, but Jack only chuckles, pretending to ignore Mark. He couldnt help but wonder what side of Mark is going to make the next appearance.

With that, Mark lets out a whine and flops his upper body onto Jack's posters to prevent him from ignoring him. If Jack is going to be lame and pretend he's not playing, Mark will step up his game.

"I'm withering!" He calls out dramatically. Jack resists the urge to smile. It looks like the next guest is 'whiny Mark', he thinks to himself. Jack sighs and closes the lid to his marker, leaning back in his chair again, playing the waiting game instead.

For a moment, Mark tries to out-wait Jack, but quickly grows impatient. So Mark sighs as well, and crawls further onto the table, causing the observing fans to chuckle. He then proceeds to play out a dramatic death scene.

"Ohh my stomach, shriveled into nothingness! Whats worse is the crushing lonliness to accompany the famine! Not a friend in sight to ease either of my ever growing pains! The lights, they fade! My time is nigh!" He rambles on about dying alone, before completeing it all by reaching up to the sky and whispering, "Grandmama? Is that you? IM COMING GRANDMAMA!" Before collapsing onto the table, letting his head hang backward off the edge table in front of Jack, his eyes closed and his tongue hanging out.

Jack slow claps the performance, pretending to be entirely unimpressed. Though he has to admire Mark's dedication to the bit. He really is an amazing actor if given the proper opprotunities to prove it. It might almost be enough to take the win here.

After a long moment, Mark peeks out of one eye and catches Jack still watching with a bemused smile.

"Come onnnn!" He mutters pleafully once he catches Jack's sly smile. He knows that smile is the first signs to winning this battle. Jack stays silent however, quirking his lips thoughtfully. Mark narrows his eyes and purses his lips, still laying in his dramatic death position on the table. Its odd that Jack looks just as good upside down as he does right side up.

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