Tragedy Strikes part 3 out of 4

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Days passed where August sat infront of Jonah, holding his fragile hand in  hers. Tear stained face and brokenness filled her eyes, she wouldn't eat, Sleep. She wouldn't do anything really, she just sat there, headphones glued to her head and havent really been removed since the first day at the hospital. Jonah become unstable and was rushed back to surgery, there was intel bleeding that went unnoticed by the doctors, he was slowing bleeding for the past week and no one even knew. His currently in the ICU, August didn't care about the rules she just wanted to be with him, only him. Even though they couldn't have a conversation, talk about the many books they've read, make Harry Potter references. Sitting next to him was good enough for her, as long as she knew his heart was still beating and he was fighting his battle. She could find some sort of comfort in this fucked up scenario, Everyone around her just felt like the room was spinning, night to day, day to night. Each day that pass by, just doing a full circle around her as she doesn't notice that four more days have gone by. Concern has taken over everyone as there discharged from the hospital, as Jonah still remains. Management and how fucked up they must be, want the boys to do press, discus the accident when none of them are ready. They don't understand the replay of what happened  on loop being a constant reminder that you will never truly find peace of what happened.

Daniel had tried to talk to Auggie, but she hasn't said a word, he can only remember so much, memories come back everyday but fails to remember the present. That the love shared between the two is no longer shared, that her heart belongs elsewhere. She belongs to another emotionally. On Tuesday she breaks her cycle of Well being a ........zombie.

"Auggie, please say something"

"What is there to say, this is my fault."

"No it's not, you didn't cause this, you didn't do this to us."

"You turned around the bus because of me, that's why this happened. It's my fault. "

Corbyn takes her by her waist and hugs her, as tight as he possibly can resting one arm around her head, Auggie resting her head in his chest as he towers over her small frame.

"What if he doesn't get better, Bean?"

"He will Aug, he won't stop fighting for himself, his band mates, family and especially won't stop fighting to be here with you."

"If he wakes up, he'll hate me or not even remember what happened between us. "

"I highly doubt he'll forget such a pretty face " Both Corbyn and Auggie turn to see a new blonde haired Daniel with a foot resting up against the door. How unfamiliar this small change seems to her, a shock really.

"I needed a change" he explains like he read their minds.

"It's different, something everyone will have to get use to" she says quietly, not wanting the interaction to become weird, not so much for him but for herself.

"You don't like it do you Aug?"

He stands up straight and looks at her dead in the eye, a need for approval from her, lingering over his head.

Silence, takes over once again from her new found voice. She looks away from him and down at her hands. Their shaking, Daniel makes her nervous which he never really did even when they first met. But now she's so scared to hurt him because she no longer loves him the way he still loves her, it doesn't mean she doesn't love him it's just not the same. No matter how many times she has to tell him, the pain of saying those words never leaves.

"It's new, that's all and you know I'm not all that big on change" once the words leave her mouth she realised that he might not remember. Her expression said it all .

"I remember, you don't have to walk on egg shells around me. " he gives her a small smile.

"Well I better be on my way " Corbyn turns in his feet leaving the room.

"A few things may be blurry in my mind but I know there's a lot we have talked about but nothing ever seemed to be resolved. Still a lot of unsaid things."

"Let's go out into the hall" it didn't feel right to August to have this conversation in Jonah's room, even if he was unconscious. It isn't right.

"I remember hurting you, the look in your eyes and the way you looked at me. Hatred that's all I saw. "

She wanted to laugh at this is what he wanted to start the conversation with. Daniel clueless to this thought he looks at her hope in his eyes that something will come out of this.

"You cheated on me Danny, more then once and that shattered my heart. I wasn't ready to pick up the pieces so I let it stay broken."

"I had a ring and everything, after tour I was going to ask you to marry me"

August's pov

It's like my heart shatters again, like a glass cup falling off a table onto a tile floor. The little pieces so hard to find that you never do. So my heart will never be whole again. He was going to ask me to marry him, get down on one knee and place a ring in front of me.

"You're lying"

"Memories are coming back constantly. I found a box in a jacket Anna brought over. There was a ring inside, it brought some memories back. Then I fucked it all up and cheated. I missed you and felt lonely"

"You could have called me, told me when we did speak rarely. You distanced yourself to you know."

He rubs his hand over the back of his neck and nods in agreement.

"Our relationship was fucked, we turned into people we didn't want to be. There's was always a small part of me that never really let go of my accident. A voice in the back of my head. We were never meant to be happy with one another or last, I see that now but it doesn't mean that the love i had for you wasn't real. You were and always will be my first, real relationship, love, time and my first true heart break. " tears begin to well up in my eyes but I blink them away. I've cried so much lately, this one moment of relief and release from these tears I need it to stick around a little longer.

"I'll always love you, but at the end of the day I just want you to do what makes you happy. If that's Jonah then so be it. How much of a cliche would it be if we tried being friends. "

Friends, something I never really thought about in this emotional pile of what our relationship is. I don't want to loose him so I'll work
on it with him.

"Friends " I agree, something I didn't expect Myself to do is walk up to him and wrap my small arms around his waist. His shocked by my sudden gesture but returns the hug and we stand there in each others arms. I forgot what it felt like to be wrapped up in the warmth Of Danny. It's comfort, familiar, but yet not the same.

"I'll always love you to " I whisper. Closure is what we both finally got. We've had many conversations but never one were we both feel content and at peace.

Zach rushes down the hall as a nurse who was checking Jonah's vitals.

"GUYS HIS WAKING UP " he slips on the hospital floors and it brings laughter but I push past it and run to Jonah. I need to see him, as this sense of urgency takes over and I can't help but feel butterflies. When I enter the room nurses and doctors surround him, running a serious of test and asking basic questions. Trying not to overwhelm him, then I hear my name leave his lips.

"I'm right here "

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a long time, life has been unkind and difficult. As well as just being busy with school and not feeling inspired to write. I lost my passion for writing, but after a little bit I found it again. I really hope you like this chapter and continue to read this story. I love you all so much and I hope you have a good day or night if you weren't already. - Paige ❤️

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