Chapter 6/ Trust Me

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I'm going on a date with Danny today and the butterflies I get when I dance, I have them right now but for seeing Daniel. Normally I'm not one to be shy or nervous about going out on dates but today's different, I'm the complete opposite today and I can't seem to clam down. Nothing can come between this date, I'm really hoping nothing does, I want this to go well. I put on a light blue skater skirt and a black crop with white ankle Converse. I curl my hair and put on a little bit of make up, nothing to extreme, when I'm finally finished getting ready, I walk out of my room and wait down stairs for when Daniel picks me up. Danny didn't tell me where his taking me or what we're doing g for the matter of fact.

"Hello" I answer my phone.

"Is this August Wood?"

"This is she"

"Were calling about Sam Carpenter, his been in a accident"

"What type of accident?" I ask worried.

"It would be best if we could talk in person"

"Can I just ask why your calling me?"

"We weren't able to get a hold of Miss Carpenter so your our next option."

"I'll be there as soon as I can" I hang up and as I'm about to get my keys I hear a knock on the door, I open it to be greeted by Daniel.

"I'm sorry Daniel but I have to go"

"Why, were suppose to go out"

"Sams been in a accident"

"What type of accident?, is he okay?"

"I don't know but I just have to go."

"I'll drive you there " I don't say anything just run out to his car and get in the passenger seat. Bloody hell sam why today?, why at all?.

A half hour later were there and I'm running through the doors asking for sam, but they told me I have to wait, we sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I hate being in a hospital, they scare me last time I was here I broke my leg, nothing went wrong but they still scare me. I just hope his okay.

"Are you Miss Wood?" A doctor walks up to me.


"Well Mr Carpenter was shot, his friend said that they were at a gun range and they had a misfire and hit sam"

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask worried

"We're not certain yet, his lost a lot of blood, I must be on my way" the doctor walks away.

"Daniel, what if he doesn't make it"

"He will "

"Me and Sam have been together since we were born, I can't lose him, he was by my side when my dad died, I was by his side when his dad died in the army, his my dance partner, my bestfriend, I can't lose him" Daniel holds me in his arms.

"Everything will be okay auggie, trust me "

An hour later were still sitting there, I'm wrapped up in Daniel's arms, bitting my nails, I know it's a bad habit but I can't stop, I only do it when I'm stressed. He needs to be okay, I just keep telling myself that intill I believe it's true. I'm finally aloud in to see sam, I walk in and what I see brings me to even more tears, he has several tubes running from his mouth to a machine and some attached to his chest, but I can't take my eyes off his heart monitor, it's at 60, it keeps going up but just going right back down, I'm scared it's going to hit zero and flatline, I'm scared if I take my eyes off it, it will, like me looking at it is the only thing keeping him alive. ( true story, when my pop was in the hospital, I couldn't take my eyes off the heart monitor , scared that it would hit zero, so I never took my eyes off it. It also kept my eyes else where) I want him to open his eyes, jump out of that bed and hug me, pick me up, spin me around. I want him to just move and be okay, not here just looking like a lump underneath the sheets. I sit in the chair near his bed and start talking to him.

"Hey sammy boy, how you doing and why did you get yourself in this situation?, please be okay. I can't lose you too, you know how hard it was for me to lose my dad even if we were five, you didn't understand what to do but you were still there and I'm going to be right beside you just like you were for me. Do you remember when we were eight and we were dancing together, you told me that you would marry me someday because you loved me. We didn't even know what love was, but I said I would marry you one day and to practice we got all our friends to help us with a fake wedding, so when the really day came around we would be perpared. When Jess said do you take auggie to be your wife, you just burlted out yes and you kissed me, I wouldn't count it as my first kiss but you were my first kiss. In a weird complicated way. It's weird to think that we would marry each other, your like my brother now even if we've dated, your probably the best boyfriend I've had, you were gentle and you didn't mind waiting for anything even for our first date cause I was scared, thank you for that." I hold his hand, rubbing circles with my thumb. He heart monitor start beeping loudly and is going down at a very fast pace, when it hits zero my heart drops and I'm about to drop to my knees. But before I did that his heart monitor starts up again and I can see Sam waking up. He looks at me as relief washes over my face, thank you god for not letting him die. I get up from the chair and hug him tightly.

"You scared me " I say into his shoulder.

"I'm glad your here" he kisses my cheek.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here, your important to me, your there from me, I'm here for you, always" I sit in the side of his bed.

"Hey is it okay if I come in?" Daniel stands at the door.

"Yeah sure " Sam says.

"How you feeling?" Danny ask the both of us.

"Sore mostly but I'll be alright as long as I have auggie by my side." He smiles towards me, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm just tired and I'm sorry our first date was a bust"

"Wait, this was suppose to be your first date tonight"

"Yeah but I got a call from the hospital telling me what happened to you cause they couldn't get a hold of your mum."

"I'm sorry man" Sam says to Daniel

"Don't sweat it, I'm glad your alright, it was important for August to be here."

"Thank you" sam says to the both of us.

After awhile later sam fell asleep and I was going to go home and come back later. Daniel and I are just waiting outside talking before we leave.

"Thank you for not hating me, for going after Sam." I put my arms around his neck and he places his around my waist.

"I'm not worried about Sam taking you away, if that what your implieing, I know your just friends"

"Good "

"But was that story you were talking to him about, real?, you thought you would marry eachother"

"Yeah, but everything's differnt now and we're not eight" I laugh slightly.

"How about we just go back to your place and watch a movie?"

"I would like that very much and you can stay over if you want,"

"Okay that's a plan" he comes closer kissing me.

We got into Danny's car and headed back to mine, we went straight Up into my room and put a movie on, I changed in the bathroom into a pair of pj shorts and an over sized band tee. Clim under the sheets and cuddle into Daniel. Half an hour in we're both alseep peacefully .

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