Who's the Daddy

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"Auggie , are you pregnant?"  Jack walks out of my bathroom in my dorm. 

"What!" Bean shouts in the highest pitch possible.

"What the fuck, no where did you get that idea "

"There's a pregnancy test on the vanity. It's positive "

My jaw drops and I kind  of dissociate myself from the situation. Jordan's pregnant, holy shit .

"If it's not yours "

"Then it's Jordan's " Jack finishes Corbyn's sentence.

"Who's the daddy, should be the question "

A couple of minutes later Jordan returns from class and the atmosphere of the room completely changes even further. J knew what she was trying to hide and honestly I don't even think she was at class.

"So you know ?" She sits on the couch and collapses into it, Corbyn being the the Bean he is sits next her and places her head on his knee as a cushion. And rubs her back.

" How many did you take"

"Four, there All positive. I went to the doctors and-" she couldn't get her words out, as she broke down and cried. There has never been a moment where I have seen J be so vulnerable and so not herself. I had waited for a moment for Jordan to be so open and just over all human in a way of feeling more then just love, but compassion, saddens but never like this would I ever dream or wish this much to be put onto her shoulders.

"Can you guys give us some space " I ask the boys and they leave

"You have options, adoption, an abortion. You have time " I continue to say. Before you say anything against abortions don't bother. The hatred towards them is not welcome here. I understand there are opinions surrounding them, I believe women have a right to choice, it's their body, there mental state and there situation. They should be allowed to make that decision without all the negative
backlash. Jordan will most likely be on her own in this, a single parent in college of the age of 20. Of course she won't be totally alone if she decides to have this baby. She'll have me to help her out and be there whenever she needs me.

"Would you adopt my baby if I were to carry it?" Her voice quite but so direct and confident in what she was saying.

"What "

"I know you might not be able to carry a child, because of your accident. You want to be a Mum more then anything. I know it would mean giving up so much, but your gaining something in return. I never wanted to be a mother, that isn't me and you know that"

"I don't know J "

"Please Auggie, Just think about it " she gets up and leaves our room. I'm guessing she just needs freash air. I don't blame her. Jonah is the only one who walks back in and he sits with me.

"She asked me if I would adopt the baby "

"For what reason"

"Well she doesn't want to be a Mum, and she found out about something about me and she thinks that it could potentially feel the void I will gain later on in life"

"Meaning " he looks very confused

"Well, last year I thought I was pregnant. I was throwing up and just over all not feeling great. So I took a pregnancy test, it was positive. But I didn't believe it and it turns out it was a false positive, the doctor I had recognised my name and asked to see all the scans I've had done on my body. I don't know why I think she was concerned about if I were pregnant how the pregnancy would go. We know how much damage had happened to my leg, and some to my back. it brought up if my body would ever be strong enough. I could get pregnant but i would be at a higher risk than a normal pregnancy, I would most likely lose the baby in the first trimester. If I made it the whole nine months, the baby could kill me. So I may never be able to have my own children. Another factor is when I went into a down spiral about my Mum dying. I stopped eating and got so self conscious I starting throwing up the food I would eat. I kept losing weight, I developed an eating disorder. I shut you guys out because I didn't want you to see me so pale, so bruised and not like me. I'm still recovering from it and gaining weight. Everyone just thinks I'm perfect small in size. Everything she wants she gets Auggie Woods. I think people forget I've had my fair share of issues."

"I had no idea, I wish you had told me so I could have been there for you. But I understand why you didn't so I'm going to be here for you now. Do you think you'll want to adopt. Become a Mum like you always wanted "

"I don't know, it's a big decision and J's pregnancy has barely began anything can happen between now and then. She could lose the baby. Which I do not want, when the baby's born she'll hold it and want that feeling forever. I would never take anything especially her baby if she changed her mind. I'm not getting my hopes up. If I get the chance though I'm scared I'll be alone through it all"

"You wouldn't be alone Auggie. I would do it along side you if you let me "

"You would want to be a father to a child that isn't yours "

"No child should go through this world without a parent. Or not knowing they had one who loved them so much"

Again he knows the right words to say, how to make everything be put at some sort of ease. There's still one question I have though, and it was asked earlier but never answered who's the baby daddy.

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