Chapter 9/ Affect My Furture

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I wake up for school do my normal, routine, I just put on a pair of leggings and a band tee cause I can dance in that as well. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and don't bother with make up, I don't care if my chocolate brown eyes look grey and dull today. I get in my mums car and we head off.

When we arrive, I see Jess sucking face with Sam, I walk right past them and go to my locker, grab my math books and other subjects. I walk into my math class, sit in my normal sit when Jess comes over.

"Auggie my hero as my dance partner in crime." She says but I ignore her.

"This is the part where you say, Jess my life saver in these bloody math classes" she continues on.

"Why would you need me as your dance partner in crime, when your a better dancer then me, and I don't need you for math classes anymore, I actually get the hang of it, and this sit is taken" I say to her

"No it's not"

"Yeah it, I'm sitting with auggie today" Olivia Gibson walks over sitting next to me. Jess walks away.

"Thank you" I say facing her.

"It looked like you needed to be saved, if you don't mind me asking what happened?"

"At a dance class she was going on about how she's a better dancer then me, she took my solo and duet but I got it back and she hurt my friend by cheating on him with Sam, which I never thought he would." I say playing with my pencil.

"Really, she's a back stabbing bitch isn't she, I've never liked her anyways."

"Out of all people I didn't think, Jess or sam could do something like that."

"Pay attention, we have a test today so get perpared!" The teacher yells. I hate having test, I can't focus and I forget everything ive learnt. But I'll try my best, wish me luck.

Once we finished the test we graded them, I did pretty well considering I thought I was done for, I got an 85%, my highest score yet, I normally get like 70, my mum would like it to be higher, but she knows I try. Five hours of school and I'm tired but I can't afford to be cause I have to apply for a job and a doctors appointment about my back. It's nothing serious just a check up. I have no dance today cause it was cancelled, Ashers bed redeen and no one else is capable to tech us.

I'm apply for a job, at a dance studio and at chipotle, your going to ask why do you need a job?, well it's summer holidays in a week and I need to be able to earn money, it's also expected of me to work, it might not seem like I have a lot of pressure on me but truth is, I do, not only from my mum, but teachers, friends, parents even. Everyone wants me to be the best I can be and to have access to my full potential, but what they don't realise is that there making me stressed. I keep going for my dad, even though he died when I was young and I don't remember much about him, I still want to do him proud and to do my mum proud, even if it doesn't make me feel proud and drains me of energy. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well, even if you don't see to often, trust me I do. It's what Jess doesn't understand that you have to put in the hard work to get somewhere. She expects it to all just come to her without having to do any of the work or put any of the effort in. This is way dance is so important to me and why nothing can come in my way, if it does it will affect my entire future. No matter how big or small the problem is. My job interviews went okay, but I'm not sure if I'll be getting a job anytime soon and my appointment was fine also, my back is fine so there's nothing to worry about. Daniel wanted to go on a walk with me today so that's what we're doing.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"I have school, but I'm free Saturday if you are"

"Saturday should be all good" he puts his arm around my waist as we walk.

"We're are you taking me?" I ask.

"It's a surprise "

"I hate surprises Danny, you should know that"

"I do know that but I promise this is going to be a good surprise" he smiles at me.

"If you say so and it better be a good one, please be a good and we're not jumping out of a plane" I put my head into his shoulder.

"We're not jumping out of a plane"

"Thank the lords" I scream and laugh."

"Your cute, you know that" Daniel stood walking and stands in front of me.

"Your pretty cute yourself " I bite my lip and smile. As he kisses me

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