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Song: Crybaby by Melanie Martinez

    It was quite a long ride before everyone finally made it to the hotel they were staying at in Utah. Clyde was already drunk, having already drank the bottle. He was a light weight. Meanwhile, Stan had one and a half bottles. He was a tad drunk; however, it was always hard to tell whether he was drunk or sober, really.
Clyde grabbed his suitcase and backpack while he followed everyone else into the hotel room, stumbling a tad. He had found out during the car ride that now, the kids would be sharing a hotel room, and the parents were split up, having three for their own. Kenny's parents weren't there, though, of course. God knows they couldn't afford the trip, nor would they want to go.
    Clumsily, Clyde walked into the elevator with everyone. He walked beside Stan, who seemed to be acting pretty normal for the most part.
    They went up a couple floors, and eventually reached the hotel rooms. They were all besideeach other.
    "Alright, everyone," Rodger started, "We'll all meet up at the lobby in two hours to go to our first hike, so make sure to be ready and bring everything you need." He finally said.
    They all agreed, and went off to the hotel rooms. Clyde walked with Stan, Kenny, and Jimmy to their room. Once they unlocked and opened the door, they all looked at the room they'd be staying in the next few days.
    The room had four beds. It wasn't necessarily grand, but it was a good enough space for the four boys.
    Clyde made his way to the bed furthest from the door and to the left. He set down his bags and unzipped the one that had been on his back. He had hid the empty beer bottle in there from all of the adults. He then disposed of it as Jimmy and Kenny watched.
    "H-hu-huh, no wonder you keep stu-stumbling and slurring your words..." Jimmy muttered as he started to unpack his own bags.
    Clyde shrugged a bit. "Well Stan offered it..."
    "Dude." Kenny said to Stan, still under his parka.
    "What? Had to bring something to unwind." The black haired male said with a shrug. "Plus, he seemed stressed too." He, ironically enough, took out the half empty beer bottle and took a swig of it.
   "Well alright." Kenny sighed.
    "Anyway, Clyde, ya want another drink?"

    Two hours later, the four boys walked down to the lobby. They all dressed appropriately for the weather and for the activity. They were hiking, after all.
    They all met up with their parents, and Kenny, since he was here alone, stuck with Clyde. He didn't really understand why he himself did this, but he decided to walk by the brunette in case something happened.
    The sky was a bright blue with the slightest amount of clouds, but a good amount of sunshine. The heat reached everyone's skin with comfort and ease. With all of this, Clyde was, well... Even more drunk.
    Having more drinks from taking alcohol from the hotel, Clyde had a pretty good amount to keep him intoxicated throughout the hike.
    Although Stan had his fair share of drinks as well, he was used to the feeling, so it was only as if he was tipsy.
    The kids had managed to get separated from their parents at some point, but weren't too far away from each other.
This was a very inconvenient place to be drunk and stumbling, but Clyde was still doing so. It wasn't exactly safe, so Kenny had ultimately decided to look after him. He tried to help the poor boy along the way as he stumbled and tripped quite a few times, eventually scraping his knee on a sharp rock. Clyde started bleeding a bit, but didn't pay much attention to the wound along the way.
Hell, with the alcohol, he almost felt numb to the feeling of scraping his knees constantly on the same bloodied and raw wounds.
"Dude," Kenny then said to Clyde, "There's blood all over your fucking knees."
"What?" Clyde asked wearily. He was currently scratching his knees violently, as they itched a lot.
"Yeah, Cly-Clyde, you're getting blood on your fingers..." Jimmy said.
Looking down, he did in fact see blood and bits of skin under his fingernails.
"Oh shit," He slurred, "My bad."
"God..." Kenny muttered and sighed.
"It's fine, I'll shower when we leave." He said with a shrug.
"Alright, sure." Kenny said slowly with a sigh.
The other three boys were talking when something caught their eyes; they all saw a little group of frogs. They were pretty small, and really cool to watch and look at.
"Aw shit they're so tiny." Stan laughed, now poking one of them.
"This dude's like the size of my pinky." Kenny said with a chuckle.
While Jimmy, Stan, and Kenny were all looking at the clan of frogs, Clyde noticed a few branches of colorful berries in the distance. Drunken and curious, he made his way over to the bright red fruit. He, not thinking through any of this, decided to eat one.
To Clyde, it tasted pretty good. So, he continued to eat quite a few of them. And by a few of them, it was really one entire branch of them. Burping, Clyde smiled wearily.
"I have no idea what these are, but damn they're good." He said to himself, grinning. He was able to eat a few more before he heard the others calling for him.
"Clyde? Hey where'd ya go?" Stan called out from a distance.
"Coming guys," Clyde said, stumbling back to his friends. His fingers were a tad red from picking the berries, but the color of them blended in pretty well with the blood already present on his fingers.
Within a minute, the brunette was back with his group of friends.
"What were you doing?" Jimmy asked, setting down the frog he had on the tip of his index finger.
"I... I dunno." Clyde laughed stupidly and shrugged with heavy eyes.
"Dude, how much did you have him drink?" Kenny asked Stan with a sigh.
"Not much, god." He defended himself. "He's just a lightweight."

Other than finding the occasional lizard, frog or snake, the hike was pretty uneventful. They four met up with all of the adults soon enough, around 4pm, and they made their way back down. It was something to get everyone motivated and ready for the time they had in store the next few days, more or less.
"My god, Clyde, what happened to your knees?" Rodger then asked, very concerned.
"Oh, he was just being clumsy," Stan then said. "He had a little trouble because we took a rocky path."
"Oh, well alright... Just make sure he gets bandaged up back at your hotel room."
"You got it."
    By the time they all got back to their hotel rooms, it was around time for dinner. But, Clyde, on the other hand, didn't have any type of appetite.
    He felt awful.
    Groaning, Clyde lied on the bed and hugged his knees.
    "Holy fuuccckkk..."
    "What's wrong, dude?" Kenny then asked, looking through the bathroom.
    "My stomach... It's crying and shitting itself..." He groaned, still clearly drunk.
    "Did you eat something to upset it?" Jimmy asked, mildly concerned.
    "I... I dunno." Clyde laughed deliriously for a few seconds before remembering that he was in pain. He started groaning again.
    "Calm down, calm down, I'll ask for some Advil." Kenny said, now coming back in the room. He brought with him different things: bandages, a wet towelette, a dry towel, and some cream.
    "Wow... Ken you don't gotta do that..." Clyde muttered.
    "Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled to do this." He muttered with a sigh.
    "Well guys," Stan then said, "I'm gonna sleep. Wake me up when there's leftovers from room service." He then laid on his bed and covered up, closing his eyes.
    "Of course." Kenny sighed loudly as Clyde laughed a bit.

    A bit of time passed, and Clyde was just getting worse. It was so painful to the point where he started crying. Trying to comfort him as they waited for the Advil to kick in, Kenny talked with him.
    "Hey, I have a question..." The blond muttered. "Why do you constantly cry?" He asked. "It just seems like nothing could be wrong, and you just seem to be doing awful."
    Sighing, Clyde looked away. "You all always ask why I'm crying... I can't give you a direct response. I honestly don't know why, myself..." He muttered, a few more tears streaming down his pale face as he did so.
    "Ken-Kenny, he really doesn't look too good at all..." Jimmy pointed out. And, he wasn't wrong.
    Clyde was extremely pale with a tad bit of a green tint on his face as well. He was sweating, too, and his chocolate eyes were going dull.
    "Guys... I think I see them again..."
    "...What?" Jimmy asked, confused by Clyde's statement.
    "Like, Tweek... And Craig right next to him... Even Cartman, and Butters, and Kyle..." He laughed. "And even Token's here too..."
    Kenny's and Jimmy's eyes widened as they both realized the reality of it: Clyde was either dying, or badly hallucinating.
    This didn't seem right at all.
    "G-go get an adult...!" Jimmy said, panicked.
    Kenny quickly got up and ran to the room their parents were staying in.
    Clyde smiled wearily, looking at the people ahead of him.
    "What do you say? Come with us?" Token asked, smiling softly.
    "Yeah." He declared. "This seems awesome."
    The two boys both reached out their hands, and they grabbed each other.
    Clyde collapsed right there on the bed.
    It was just at this moment that all of the adults came rushing in.
    Rodger looked forward at his late son with horror-filled eyes. "Clyde...?"
    "Oh fucking god..." Kenny muttered. "We were too late..."

things change.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ