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Song: Sick Boy by The Chainsmokers

Kyle tried to mentally prepare himself for what he knew what was about to happen. He looked at the six kids, only letting a tad bit of fear show in his green eyes.
"Hey you fucking Christ Killer, I saw the necklace you're wearing." One of them said, his fists already clenched.
"You wanna show that to us, fag?"
"Fuck off..." Kyle muttered, baring his teeth.
Kyle watched them all as closely as he could. He barely noticed one of the girls in the group, who he recognized as Mia, sneaking behind him. He was more focused on the ones who were taller, and more buff. So, he was rather surprised and scared when he felt the back of his neck touched by long nails, and his necklace being pulled up and yanked off of him completely.
"Got it!" Mia yelled, running back to the group.
Pissed at this, Kyle ran up and tried to get to Mia. "Give that back!!"
Before he could reach her, another guy, whose name, Kyle thought, was Logan, put a hand right in front of him and grabbed him. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" He then pushed Kyle down onto the ground, where he landed right on his back.
Grunting, he tried to sit up, in pain from the impact from the ground. He could only watch and struggle as the group talked about what to do with him and his necklace. The other girl, Sophia, then took it, a smirk on her face.
"Well he can have it back right after." Sophia then suddenly smashed the once shiny and bright necklace onto the concrete.
Kyle flinched a bit and clenched his fists tightly. He tried to stand back up to defend himself, but was pushed down again by Logan, more violently this time. He was clearly getting more angry at the ginger by the minute. So much so that Logan stomped down on Kyle's wrist, making him scream out in pain. It didn't help that he was wearing work boots, heightening the pain he had to endure.
"STAY DOWN, JEW!" Logan yelled, stomping down again.
"FUCK, OKAY OKAY OKAY!" Kyle yelped out and panted.
Sophia now slammed her high heel down on the Star of David that hung from Kyle's necklace. It wasn't very thick, so it was easy to crack after only two times, and finally snap after a fourth. Sophia smiled a bit, satisfied with this work for now. Kyle, though, felt awful. That simple piece of jewelry actually meant a lot to him when he was depressed or anxious. But now, that was being taken away from him.
At the same time, Kyle wanted to struggle and fight back, but he knew he was outnumbered. There was six against one, and hell, some of them were seniors. He didn't stand a chance. He felt scared and helpless.
The others now surrounded him like a pack of wolves, and started to attack. They punched him, kicked him, and beat him down. And they didn't do this just physically. Deep down, Kyle knew these words hurt like bullets to the chest. Even if he had heard some of them on a daily basis. It still hurt.

    Kyle ended up having to go home, dirty, bruised up, and a bloody nose with a broken necklace in his sweaty, pale hand. But, honestly, he couldn't bear to have his parents see him like this. Not right now, at least.
    Some people stared at him as he walked by, but he didn't really care. The last thing on Kyle's mind right now was what people thought of him looking like this. Fuck 'em.
    Instead of going back home right now, he decided to take a walk and go somewhere to be alone. Or, possibly alone. Stan and Kyle sometimes went to a certain abandoned alleyway to hang out, away from everyone else. He didn't know if Stan was there, or was going there now or not, but either way, he needed the time away from home right now.
    Walking up and taking out a cigarette, Kyle did see that Stan was sitting there on the ground with an almost empty beer bottle by his side. He already looked a little bit drunk.
    "Oh, hey dude..." Stan slurred.
    "Hey." He said, sitting next to him. He took out his lighter and lit his cigarette.
    "What happened to you?"
    Kyle then remembered that he was covered in bruises and blood. How could he forget?
    "Few kids saw my necklace." Stan was one of the only ones outside of Kyle's family that knew about what he got during Hanukkah last year.
    "Jesus, who?"
    Kyle just shrugged in response as he put the cigarette to his mouth, making Stan sigh.
    "I saw Logan F, Mia and Sophia L. But I didn't pay attention to anyone else."
    "God..." Stan then noticed Kyle was holding something silver in his other hand.
    "Why aren't you wearing that?" He then asked.
    Kyle opened his hand and showed his necklace. The charm was broken in four pieces, covered in dirt, and a tad bit of blood. This made Stan sigh again.
    "You know..." Kyle started to say, "I've thought about just running away, changing my name, and calling myself a Christian or something. That'd be way better than being a fucking JEW, apparently." He said bitterly, looking down.
    "Damn, dude... People in this town are assholes..." Stan muttered. "We graduate soon, though... Maybe you can move somewhere else, where people don't rip on Jews."
    "If such a place exists." Kyle chuckled slightly, almost in an unhopeful way.
    "I know." Stan sighed. "Just hang in there, dude."

things change.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat