Kyle ended up going home at around 5pm, almost around the time for his family to eat dinner together. He hid his broken necklace in his jean pocket, not wanting his parents to see.
    He trudged through the snow as he walked, some more snow falling onto his hat and jacket. As Kyle felt the cold, sharp air against his bare skin, he tried to wipe the remaining blood on his face off and onto his sleeve. There was no way to hide all of this completely, but he could try to make it look not quite as bad as it really was before.
    Ike, Sheila and Gerald all looked over, as they were sitting at the table. Once they saw it was Kyle, they were both relieved and worried; they were relieved to see that Kyle was finally home. But... What happened to him?
    "Kyle!" Sheila exclaimed. "What happened to you? Where were you?"
    "Just with a friend, Ma." He said. "I just tripped down a hill earlier."
    As much as Kyle loved his mother, he had to lie to her. He knew how much she would overreact about this. He didn't want her to get involved. That would just make things ten times worse for him.
    "You need to tell us if you're going to be home this late!" Sheila said.
    "Your mother's right, you had us worried sick." Gerald agreed.
    "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
    "It better not." Sheila said. "Now go get yourself cleaned up and come down for dinner."
    Kyle simply nodded and made his way upstairs. He found that his thoughts were coming back again. But this time, they were so much stronger than they'd ever been. He couldn't handle it anymore. This was all too much for him to go through every fucking day. So, what was stopping him now?
    For these exact reasons, Kyle kept a rope hidden in his closet. He knew that one day he'd need it. He didn't know that day would come so soon, but he couldn't overthink it now. Any contradicting thoughts would just make things worse for him. So now was a time where he had to act on impulse.
    Kyle tied the noose fairly easily, already knowing how to do this, just in preparation, really. He hung the top end of the rope firmly onto his ceiling fan, having turned off the light and heightened himself with his chair.
    Without thought, Kyle wrapped the noose around his neck and took a deep breath. His last one. He jumped a bit and kicked the chair right out of his way. He felt a loss of all breath and a suffocation stronger than he had ever before. There was an awful pain on and around his neck, that almost made him start to feel... Regret...
    Hitting him like a bus, Kyle finally realized what he's doing, and his eyes widened. He started to scratch hard at this neck, where the rope was. This started to break skin, leaving blood around his neck and on his fingertips. 
    It was just.

Kyle saw something almost like tunnel vision. Everything was dark besides the light spot right in front of him, where he soon saw four people walking up closer to him: Tweek, Craig, Eric, Token, and Butters. They all seemed so... Peaceful. Even Eric seemed warm and calm.
"Here, Kyle..." Butters said, walking up and holding out a hand. "Step down, and come with us."
Surprisingly, Eric smiled up at him. "I won't judge you... I see what I've done wrong now."
Kyle seemed a bit hesitant.
"It's okay." Tweek smiled reassuringly. "Come down. Nobody can hurt you here."
A bit shakily, Kyle took Butters's hand and walked with him, making his material body go limp.

It took a good fifteen minutes for Kyle's family to get worried. Ike was the first to go up and check on his older brother. He excused himself from the table and walked upstairs, and to Kyle's bedroom. He knocked on the door.
"Kyle? Mom and Dad want you downstairs now."
"...You okay in there?"
Even more silence.
Now mildly concerned, Ike decided to just walk in and check on him, not prepared for what he would see next.
Ike couldn't see anything yet, as it was very dark in the room. Too dark for him to be able to see the dead body of his older brother hanging from a rope on the ceiling fan. Due to how the room was set up, the light activated the ceiling fan, causing the body to stagger a bit, now able to fully make a circle around.
Simply the sight of this made Ike drop to his knees and scream bloody murder in absolute horror. He felt sick to his stomach, and wanted to throw up right there.
Sheila and Gerald immediately ran up to see what was wrong. They looked at their dead son in horror. Sheila couldn't do anything but scream, and Gerald struggled to take out his phone and quickly call an ambulance.
Maybe they shouldn't have waited for him for so long. They just had to leave him hanging, didn't they?

Another fucking school assembly about a student death. Great. Nobody wanted to sit through any of this; especially the people who were close to Kyle.
"Alright everybody, quiet down..." Principal Joan said on the microphone. For the most part, the auditorium went silent.
"As many of you already know, there was another student death, and the second one being due to suicide. There have been some observations to help examine why this boy decided to take his own life, and we've reached the high probability that this is due to bullying because of intolerance."
It wasn't just intolerance.
"Kyle Broflovski was found dead last week, having a destroyed Star of David necklace in his pocket while hanging." Principal Joan started. "There have also been some students who came out and said that they witnessed Mr. Broflovski being physically bullied. We feel now that we need to express the importance of being able to accept people of different races, sexualities, religions, and anything that some may consider out of the ordinary."
Someone willing to push someone else this far wasn't just fucking intolerant.

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