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Shout out: avidreader1301
Choice: (b)

Jungkooks phone fell to the floor and shattered. His mind went blank.

... Was this my fault?

Tension filled the air. Taehyungs glares pierced through jungkooks soul but he didnt seem to mind. All he cared about was the well being of Jimin.

Funny isnt it. It's funny that you realize you're in love when it's too.... late.

No, I have to be positive. It's not too late. He isnt dead! Look, his heart is still beating. Jungkook caressed jimin's bandaged hand, stopping a tear that still made it's way down his cheek.

Jimins head was wrapped with thick white bandages that were being dyed with crimson blood. Wires and machines connected to jimins body. His broken wrists were more prominent than jungkook liked. It was like a scar that will forever haunt him.

Jimins gaunt figure barely made a wrinkle in the hospital sheets. The only sounds echoing through the air were Hoseoks cries and the constant beeping of the machine, the only thing putting jungkooks mind to peace.

The rhythm of the machine was the only thing that showed that he was still alive, that and Jimins breathing that was too slow for jungkooks liking.

The doctor had informed them that jimin was in a coma. The doctor said he won't wake up anytime soon, or at all.

Jungkook didnt let himself believe that. Jimin will wake up. He has to.

"...this is all my fault..." jungkook mumbled but it was still heard by Taehyung who was now fuming with rage.

"YES IT IS! THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FUALT!" Taehyung screamed with fisted hands.

"Taehying relax. It's not jungkooks fault. He never could've know that this was going to happen." Namjoon said while still rubbing Jins back.

"YES IT IS! ALL OF JIMINS SUFFERING IS HIS FAULT!" Taehyung said, catching the attention of the rest.

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi said voicing everyone's thoughts. Jungkook faced the floor with guilt.

"This bastard has been abusing and hurting our little jimin! Jimin told me that you would hit him for the stupidest things such as talking to loudly or even just looking at you. He told me that you have been cheating on him without any intention of hiding it. the worst thing that jimin has ever done, was love you. He loved you no matter how much you hurt him. He loved you with every inch of his heart. He said that maybe, just maybe, you could've loved him back. He had hope and look where that lead him." Taehyung said, tears flowing endlessly from his eyes. Everyone was shocked. "All he wanted was love! He was so willing to wait for you. He said even if you killed him he would have still loved you! You monster!" Taehyung yelled while charging towards the guilt ridden jungkook.

Jin grabbed taehyung before he could do any damage. Jungkook stood frozen. It's like his whole world crashed before his eyes.

"Is this true Jungkook...?" Namjoon asked with full seriousness.

"I-I..." how could he respond? No words came out of jungkooks mouth so instead, he just nodded slowly. Everyone stared with horror and disbelief.

"W-why jungkook?" Hoseok asked with sorrow filled eyes.

"... I was scared... I wasn't willing to get married at this age let alone with a boy. I didnt trust his love because I was scarred by past experiences..." jungkook explained sadly as the memories playing in his head once again...

Love is not over {Jikook/kookmin} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now