8: broke

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Jimin woke up on the cold floor of his new home, if you could even call it that. He remembered all of last night play in his mind on an endless loop.

Jungkooks screams... the punches, kicks, slaps... everything was raw in jimins mind.

"You useless piece of shit! I asked you to do one thing and you can't even do that! All I asked was for you to act as if we were truly in love but you fucking screwed up! If i wasn't there then they would have found out about all this! When will you learn you lesson?!"

Jimin shook his head, removing all the thoughts. He got up with a smile, despite all the pain in his body and more importantly, his heart. He truly did believe that jungkook could change. Jimin was going to change jungkook even if it kills him.

Jimin limped towards the washroom and covered up all his fresh bruises. He exited looking as good as new. He walked towards the kitchen and began cooking an extra special breakfast for his husband.

Jungkook woke up with an empty space next to him. Jungkook smiled to himself thinking that Jimin finally left. He felt slightly colder than normal despite the hot summer air seeping through the open window.

Jungkook walked out and instantly was hit by the wonderful smell of food. Confused, he walked towards the kitchen to see jimin happily humming and gliding across the floor preparing what seemed to be dozens of dishes all at once. Jungkook seemed slightly mesmerised by the scene.

He shook his head and slapped himself a couple of times, scolding himself for thinking such things.

Jungkook ate the food like no tomorrow. That was truly the most magnificent food that had ever touched his tongue. He loved it but him being fully pride consumed, couldn't admit that.

He got up with a disgruntled scoff before heading out with a sigh. He realized that he could go crawl to girls anymore for some unknown reason so instead, he makes it seem as though he does. Maybe that way I can get rid of him. He thought as he walked past the bar that seemed to call him.

Jungkook walked for sometime before deciding to head back. Jimin was washing the dishes and the sudden slam startled him causing the plate to shatter. Jungkook huffed before committing his act. Jimin saw red that day. That was the worst so far.



Love is not over {Jikook/kookmin} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now