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The hooded figures P.O.V

I  jumped out the window and landed on my feet. I ran swiftly down a familiar path. Everything makes sense now.

I made it towards a seemingly abandoned building and jumped through a broken window. I walked around, searching for anything out of the ordinary but everything seemed, well, abandoned.

The door creaked open and I hid myself in the shadows once again. I examined the lady who entered and all my predictions were correct.

It is her... its lisa.

With a simple snap of Lisa's finger, a crack in the wall opened up almost like a door. Lisa made her way in. The door was just about to close when I jumped  through it silently. I froze.

How did she get such advanced technology in 2019?! I examined the time traveling machine that was supposed to be created 346 years later.

"You can stop hiding now. I know you're there." She said, not even looking up from her work.

Oh shit...

I had no other choice but to reveal myself. I pressed the button once more and the invisibility wore off. She turned to me with a smirk.

"So, you figured it out. Yes, it was me. This entire time. You probably have questions I assume. Well, all shall be explained soon." Lisa said. She clapped her hands in the air and three men surrounded me. Before i could even react, i was drugged and taken away.

I woke up with a groan. I was in an unfamiliar room and was tied up. Lisa entered soon after and chuckled darkly.

"So, you're finally awake." She said.

"No shit." I stated while rolling his eyes.

"I would've killed you right now but I'll have mercy on you, seeing as you're about to die anyways."


"Oh dont act stupid. With Jungkook and Jimin gone, you never existed in the first place." I growled with frustration knowing her words were indeed correct.

"Why lisa? What did they do to you?!" These words caused Lisa to burst into a fit of laughter.

"You seriously think that I am really Lisa? I think you know my name pretty well already. I'll give you a hint... we met under a burning flame." That's when it hit me...

"J-jennie?" I said with shock written all over my face. She smirked with a nod. "Why Jennie?! Why?!" I screamed in need of answers.

"Why dont you try and remember what happened that night."

I ran into a house that had been set on flames. My father yelled begging me to come back but I didn't. There were people in here and they needed help.

I moved swiftly in every room, looking for anyone who needed help. A little girl sat crying in the corner, surrounded by flames. I rushed and picked her up.

I ran outside and placed her on the grass far from the house. She told me that her parents were still inside. I was just about to rush towards the house but it blew up, pushing me mant meteres away from it.

The little girl wept in my arms. I told her she could live with us and so she did. She became like my sister. My little Jennie.

"Your father did it! He killed my parents."

"He didnt mean to! He disnt know there were people still inside. The house was his and you're parents stole it."

"I DONT FUCKING CARE! HE KILLED THEM! Now, he'll pay. I'll make it so that he never existed. Then my parents wouldn't be in the grave. The only way is to kill jimin and jungkook before their family grows. Say goodbye Jeon Jihyun." She stated while leaving with a laugh.

I gritted my teeth before untying my hands and running out the window. Wow, she is really bad at kidnapping. She's also really stupid. Why can't she just go back to the day of the fire and save her parents?

"System! Bring me thirteen hours before it happened!"

*Teleportation sequence initiated*

Once again, I made my way towards the happy couple.

"System, freeze time."

*Battery low.*

"What!? Why now of all times?!" I screamed in frustration, catching the attention of my ancestors. There was to time to loose. I jumped infront of them, shielding them from what was about to happen.

*warning. The action you are about to do will cause you certain death. You cannot revive in this time. Warning. Warning.*

I paid no attention to the system, instead, I smiled warmly to the two very confused people.

"Goodbye." I said right as the bullets struck. I fell to the floor with blood pouring down my mouth. I heard Jennies curses as her plan had failed. She was left with no more bullets so she ran away.

"S-system... I have-" i began but was interrupted with my own coughing. " I have one last... r-request... go b-back... and save jennies parents... atleast she'll be... h-happ..." I felt my soul being ripped out of my body. The last thing I heard was,

*Request has been completed. Congratulations Player2569, you have saved Jikook.*

Right as I was about to completely die, a huge light appeared around me. It was as if I had been given my life back... wait... I was! I'm alive! But how?

"Oh! I get it! So if Jennies parents never died? She never had a grudge on my dad. Meaning she never killed you two!" I exclaimed while hugging my ancestors.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Jimin said with shock and horror written all over his face.

"Well, long story short, I am your like great great great great great great (times athousand) grandson. I am from the future. Exactly 4986 years from now. So yeah, I am from the year 7005. I came here to help save Jikook! Anyways, have a happy life." I screamed as I was being teleported back home.

Man, what a long day. Well, glad that's over. I wonder what Jikook is doing right now...

(Having a heated makeout session on the hospital bed...)
I hope it makes sense now but if it doesn't, Jeon jihyun is the hooded figure who was playing the "game" which was actually a program the allowed him to go back in time and change certain events to create a positive, or negative, outcome. Right as he was about to complete the game, the options kind of broke. There are only one happy outcomes that do not involve death but for some odd reason, all the last options made jimin and jungkook die. He soon realized that it was his adoptive sister Jennie who had been interfering with the system. First, by being jungkooks ex so that he will treat Jimin badly and make him hate jungkook. And second, when all else failed, she decided to kill them. Once Jeon Jihyun managed to save her parents from the fire, she never had a grudge on him and so Jikook was saved.

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