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What a wonderful feeling...

Atleast jimin thinks so.




Jungkook groaned as he awoke groggily. Odd. Jungkook thought. Usually, he'd be hit with the smell of delicious food when he woke up. All he smells now is blood.

He looked to see his hands covered in it. Jimins blood. That's odd indeed. Jungkook could've sworn that he washed the blood off last night. How is it still here?

Jungkook decided to not dwell on it too much. He washed it off, again, scrubbing even harder. There was a red stain where the blood was. The stain won't leave. He sighed in defeat before dropping his sponge.

He walked to the kitchen, the dead, empty kitchen. Something didnt feel right to jungkook but he just brushed it off. He went to drink water with his trembling hands. Obviously, that didnt end well. The glass broke into a million pieces.

...a bad omen indeed...

Jungkook sighed. He knelt down to clean it up but, as dumb as it is, hes never cleaned glass before. He picked a shard up only to have his fingers slit. Crimson blood poured through the seams. He stared at it blankly.

"Ah fuck! JIMIN! WHY THE HELL IS THERE A KNIFE HERE?!" Jungkook yelled while staring daggers at the said object. Jimin swiftly ran towards him in a panic.

Jimin examined his wound before running to get bandages and rubbing alcohol. Jungkool just wanted a cup of water but as he reached for the glass that was conveniently placed on the highest shelf, his hand made contact with that cursed item.

"I-im so sorry..." jimin said in a rush as he carefully began bandaging jungkooks finger. Jimin actually wanted to explain to jungkook that jungkook was the one who placed it there but he was too scared to.

Jungkook felt hurt. Physically and emotionally. He didnt really understand why.

"Dont be stupid Jungkook. He'll come back. He always does." Jungkook said not even realizing. Jungkook sighed heavily before getting up and looking for the first aid kit.

"JIMIN, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THE-" jungkook stopped midsentence realizing Jimin wasn't there. Well, I guess I'll have to find it myself.

Three hours went by. His wound was still open, bleeding, and probably infected. "OH I GIVE UP!" he yelled as he stomped over to the couch.

Good job you stupid piece of shit!


You really had to go and kick him out right? Well, now look at you. You can't even take care of a tiny cut without him.

What?! You told me to!

But that's the thing jungkook, I am you.

Jungkook sighed with frustration. Hes right, I can't do anything without jimin. He spoiled me too much with his love.

But dont worry, he'll come back! He always does. He loves me right?

*Ring* *ring* *ring*

Jungkooks ringing phone broke through his thoughts. He looked at the caller ID. It was Jimin!

Jungkook picked up with an actual smile plastered on his face. Before he could even speak, yells were echoing through the other side.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! WHAT DID YOU DO YOU BITCH?!" It was taehyung, screaming through the sobs. Jungkook was confused.

"What happened?"


he was hit by a car..."


a) The story continues my way

b) the story has a sad and happy ending where they both... meet again... in a different place.

Once again, not so pleasant is it. Well, choose wisely. I only put two options for a reason they both do end happily but just in different places and ways. I am actually wanting to do both but I'll let you decide. Good luck.

Love is not over {Jikook/kookmin} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now