[24] new girl, old memories.

Start from the beginning

It was going on two am and I'm drunk, so drunk. I got an uber and went home. I texted Ariana. Begging her to take to take me back and I miss her I'm probably going to regret this in the morning but I can't help it. I still love her. The uber drops me off at my place I thank the driver. I stumble in my room and fall asleep dreaming that Ariana is still here with me. My arms wrapped around her waist. Her hair sprawled on my face. Her wearing my shirt in the morning with a mug of coffee in her hands. Her lips on mine like tastes like coffee and peanut butter from her toast. I miss her so much; I fucking miss her.


In the morning, my head is pounding. Yep, I definitely had too much to drink. I groan grabbing my phone to check the time. It was going on 12 pm and I had messages from Ariana. I read them and I felt embarrassed. Goddamn it, why did I have to message her while drunk? I hate that I do that.

Me: Ari, I miz yuh.

Ariana: Colby, I thought... wait, are you drunk?

Me: Noooo ha-ha.

Ariana: Cole, I'm not starting this if your drunk, you say things you don't mean and you get vulnerable and I feel bad. I know how this goes.

Me: I don't get vulnerableeeee.

Ariana: Yes, you do we need space Colby, it's good for us I miss you so much but we need it to discover ourselves without each other.

Me: We can discover ourselves togetherrrr, come on bbyyy...

Ariana: Goodbye, Colby.

That made my heart hurt. I know she means it. It's not goodbye forever it's just temporary. I sighed tossing my phone on the bed. I look at the empty space which was made. Ariana made it before she left me. I haven't changed it since. I shower and change then entering the kitchen to cook something or burn something. Ariana always cooked; the kitchen always smelled like something. I loved it. I love her cooking. It's difficult cooking by yourself when you're so dependent on that one person. The smoke alarm goes off three times when I attempt to make eggs. I decide to eat cereal and give up on cooking.

I needed to make a video and I had no idea on what to film. I asked my fans on twitter to give me some ideas. (go follow Colby on twitter & Instagram and all the other socials you peasants @colbybrock). I looked through the comments. Most of them involve Ariana. I sighed but something caught my eye. Someone said to take a fifth-grade test with Sam. I laughed and send it to Sam. He wanted to do it. I asked our friend Kevin to ask if he wants to be in it. He accepted I told him to look up a fifth-grader test. This'll be fun.


After the video, I spent all day editing at the kitchen table when my phone rings. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, is this Colby?" a voice asked. "Yes, who is this?" I asked. "Aurora, from the bar?" she says. "Ah right, what's up? How'd you get my number?" I asked. "Tara gave it to me; I was wondering if you want to get something to eat?" Aurora asked. I look at the time, it was going on five. "Yeah sounds good" I replied. "Cool, I'll see you at Cheesecake Factory shortly" Aurora says. "Yeah, yeah sure" I say. Aurora hangs up and I get up to change into something more presentable. Ariana wants me to discover myself and I'm doing just that. No one will ever compete with her; she owns my heart and I want to keep it that way.

I decided on a black collared shirt and black non ripped jeans. I unbuttoned the two first buttons to give it flare. I put on some necklaces and my signature rings. I shake my hair to give it a messy feel. I nod and went on my way to Cheesecake Factory. I never get nervous for dates but this feels different. I don't know why but it does. I look through the glove box for my pack of cigarettes and lighter. It feels good to smoke again, I quit when I was with Ariana. When she left me, I bought two packs and two lighters I never been so happy to do anything in my life.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now