Tango With The Tengu

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[ The Outlands :: Southern Alps of Japan ]

Over the Oni stood a dreaded young man whom wore a matte black, scarlet red and metallic gold ō-yoroi armor with two katana sheaths on both of his side. Yet he utilized a single blade, leaving the other sheathed. "The Kokujin Samurai!" the princess shouted as she realized who it was. The boy then descended from the branch of the tree with his katana pointed downward and stabbed the Oni directly in the center of his skull. Then withdrew a smaller blade that was tucked in his boot and stabbed the Oni in his third eye. The Oni began to panic. Ignoring the princess and Fierro, the other Oni ran over with his club swinging it at the samurai who stood at the top of the third-eyed Oni's head. The samurai then leaped from the Oni's head which resulted in the other Oni clumsily bashing the triple eyed Oni's skull wide open, throwing his lifeless body to the ground.

Fierro was in pain as he laid on the ground, until he became unconscious. The princess used the time that it took for the samurai to distract the Oni to heal Fierro using her magic. The two ogres that remained then rushed towards the samurai. The Oni wielding the club swung at the swordsman but missed. The swordsman then took out his kunai knife that had a fine string of copper connected to it and threw it into the Oni's head, puncturing his skull. When it had pierced the Oni's skull the samurai then used his electric glove to conduct a powerful shockwave through the copper, electrifying the kunai knife which resulted in the electrocution of the Oni's skull causing his brain to become fried like scrambled eggs.

The last remaining Oni came rushing towards the small samurai directly after the other had fell. The swordsman swiftly withdrew his second katana assuming a firm stance like a praying mantis awaiting the ogre's attack. The ogre ran towards him full of anger and rage and swung his fist with brutal force, but this only made him blind because his assault was inaccurately misguided. The samurai evaded the attack hopping onto his wrist and running up his arm. He then made his way to the ogre's shoulder. Wielding dual blades he struck with powerful force and precision like the pointed tale of a scorpion. The samurai descended to the ground with the ogre dropping right behind him as his head rolled over to the princess and Fierro.

"Oh my God!" the young girl screamed. The individual watched from the trees as his beasts were mercilessly slaughtered by the skilled samurai. The amount of violence he had witnessed had made it content for the moment, he was quite pleased. So he vanished into the dark void to wreak havoc elsewhere. Returning both of his katanas to their respective sheaths, the swordsman walked over to the pair that was in peril. Noticing that it was a soldier of the arch. The swordsman scoffed conveying resentment for Fierro and what he represented. He turned around and walked off leaving the pair to fend for themselves. The princess sat there on her knees trying to heal the soldier that had helped her. That's when she noticed the samurai walking off and exclaimed.

"Wait! I know who you are! Your the Kokujin Samurai. You possess the accursed yin and yang swords of Sengo Muramasa. They were the last blades that the famous bladesmith created before he passed. You are Yasuke, correct?" she stated.

He stopped,
"And I know who you are. Princess Norinami of the Izhinagi Dynasty. The healer of ailments. You owe me no favors young princess." he responded.

"Much obliged. So, are the rumors about you true?"
she asked.

"There are many rumors about me, princess." Yasuke responded.

"The story about the pact that you made with the Yokai for skills that would be unrivaled by any other swordsman."

"When you've devoted your time to sharpening your skills, perfecting your craft, and mastering yourself through discipline to obtain the expertise that I have possessed. Many will assume that it is no longer natural, but supernatural." Yasuke explained.

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