Iniquitous & Immoral

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The military forces of Terra Domus finally infiltrated the underground bunker of the Helia Medical Research Facilities. They wore skintight gas masks covering their faces and special protective overgarments as they neutralized each member of the Crimson Elk with extreme prejudice. Suddenly, nerve gas began to flood the ground floor. The highly lethal chemical was very effective in dimming the vision and causing paralysis and respiratory failure. The insurgents began to drop like flies as others placed on their masks. Yasuke's body turned completely crimson as he transformed into the Tengu. Lengthy black wings extended from his shoulder blades.

With tremendous force the Tengu fluttered his wings blowing all of the nerve gas away. Following this act, the kokujin samurai ran through the chaotic battle cutting down every demon and military personnel that he encountered. His skillfully crafted mura masa blades sliced through the military armor and their machinery like butter. Fierro disabled the targets with his hydraulic-powered exoskeleton suit. His mechanical arm allowed him to use a semi-automatic airburst grenade launcher with a laser range finding to lock onto the targets with an effective accuracy rate.

Princess Norinami joined in on the battle too, as she rode on the back of a giant kitsune [fox] she had summoned using her magic. The furry fox had nine flaming tales and a turquoise glass beed necklace around it's neck. Anyone that made an attempt to attack the princess, the fox would spit smoldering balls of flaming coal at them which disintegrate their bodies to cinder. K'amari utilized the chaotic scenario of the battle to her advantage. She intercepted the pontiff as he attempted to make an escape from the bunker. Creeping up behind the pontiff, she sliced one of his right back hind legs clean off with her ikula sword. Then she quickly faded back into the crowd and smoke. The pontiff screamed out in anguish as he peered around the room in search of the young girl.

He summoned his javelin and began swinging it around frantically killing both the soldiers, his legion of demons and the insurgents. K'amari then descended from up above piercing his back with her golden trident. The pontiff raised his hand as chains rose from the earth capturing the girl in place. The chains then caught aflame burning K'amari as she struggled to break free. She began to cry out in agony. "Silly little girl! The General is dead! Your grandfather is dead! And soon you will be too!" the pontiff exclaimed as the flames intensified. The sight of this sent chills down the spine of the young knights. They felt sympathy for the girl even though she was on the opposing side. The side they once perceived to be evil.

They then yelled out to the pontiff commanding him to stop. The pontiff then placed his torturous act on hold, turning around to the young knights as the flames consumed K'amari.

"Who dear oppose the hight priest of Elysium?" he said with a deep demonic voice.

The knights gulped frightened by the pontiff's new appearance as they approached him with caution and upright, "It is I, Braille and the members of the Neo-Knight Templars, your highness. Now, put her down." Braille said.

"Oh, so now you feel sympathy for the enemies of the state? Is this treason?"

Braille paused thinking back on the words of Ira, the horned dragon as he stated. "You made a pact with the goetia demons. This is not something that a high priest should be doing, St. Anselm would have never associated with demons of any sort!"

The pontiff became furious, "Anselm! Don't compare me to that sinful, immoral, coward. You still look up to that heathen after all of these years have passed? When it is I who have given you everything. It is I who have made you all into what you are today. You would be nothing without my aid. Anselm is dead and good riddance. He was weak. He displayed empathy for undesirables and those cursed by God. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed watching his sorrowful face as he begged me to spare his life."

The Eternal Glass Ceiling :: The Neo-ReconquistaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora