Ambushed By The Enemy

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There was no gun in sight causing Ashiq to resort to using the cranequin crossbow once again. Tightly Grasping the crossbow in his hand he looked around for the crank. It was hard to focus with all of the crossfire that took place. A minié ball grazed his morion helmet penetrating the wall right behind him. His reflexes took the initiative forcing his body to get down and take cover leaving the battle to the soldiers that had arrived. "Arrrghh!" someone from their side shouted. It was Kitman. He had been hit in the shoulder. Jariya and the others caught him and sat him down "Are you all right?" Jariya asked. "I'm hit!" Kitman responded groaning in pain. Jariya looked at Ashiq and shouted, "Ashiq! get over to Yusuf. Let him know that Kanza is dead and Kitman is hit!" Ashiq nodded his head yelling, "Understood!" He then crawled over to his brother, maneuvering his way through the army then shouted.

"Captain Yusuf! Kanza is dead and Kitman is injured!"

"Can Kitman move?" Yusuf looked at his brother responding.

"Yes, his legs are fine, he got hit in the shoulder!" Yusuf nodded his head

shouting, "All right! I understand!"

A minié ball flew in Ashiq's direction hitting one of the reinforcements then another flew by hitting the stone and chipping the rocks. Ashiq closed his eyes and ducked down. "So, what's your orders, captain?" he shouted at Yusuf. Busy engaging in battle, he took a few minutes then responded, "Take cover and wait for us!" The young Moor crawled back over to Jariya, who was now in the process of removing the arrow and wrapping up Kitman's shoulder. "Yusuf said to wait on him." Ashiq exclaimed delivering the message. Tearing the bandage with his teeth he mumbled, "Alright!" After a few minutes Auriya ran over to Ashiq, Jariya and Kitman. "Is he alright?" she asked. "Yes, I'm able to make it through." Kitman responded.

Following her arrival came Yusuf, Baraka and Hadija as they all rendezvoused on right side of the room leaving the reinforcements to continue the battle with the Spaniards. Baraka and Hadija covered the group returning fire at the enemy as Yusuf checked on Kitman's conditions. "How are you doing, Kitman?" He asked. "I'm doing well chief!" Kitman responded smiling. "Good!, we're going to get you out of here!" Yusuf pulled a naphtha grenade from his holster belt, then lit the fuse and tossed it on the opposite side of the room. When it landed sparks and smoke began flying all across the room causing the enemy to scatter and flee in confusion. Auriya then grabbed two ceramic grenades that were loaded with greek fire and tossed them over at the enemy causing a massive explosion of fire, making enough of a diversion for the Moorish army to escape.

The enemy stopped firing as they began to cough and flee in panic from the fire and smoke that distorted their vision. This gave Yusuf and the others time to retreat back into the single passage from which they came. Yusuf and his team ran through the narrow passage with their swords and knives in their grasps prepared for any enemy that might be lurking in the dark. But the reinforcements ensured him that the path was clear when they journeyed through tunnel following the trail of sand.

Yusuf acknowledged their assessment as he mentioned that hours had passed since they lasted walked through this tunnel. Many things could have change in that amount of time. The Moors had no time to light a torch but thanks to Yusuf's sharp memory, he led the way as everyone else followed. Ashiq didn't hear any additional footsteps behind them. He figured the Spaniards didn't choose to chase after the group. That's when he recalled the three passages on the other side of the room that they retreated into. He then notified Yusuf, "Brother, there were three passages on the other side of the room. I think the Spaniards know of another route!" To which Yusuf replied panting, "Yes, I'm aware of this Ashiq." They then arrived on the straight narrow corridor that they had first entered through. The group could see the light ahead. Dashing down the hall with their leader Yusuf in the lead, Auriya following him and Ashiq right behind both of them. The light was drawing near until the group finally arrived outside.

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