Pieces of The Puzzle

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"Amaru!" Rosalía screamed. He instantly snapped out of his daydream and shook his head once again before looking at Rosalía replying, "Huh?" She punched him in the shoulder yelling, "You zoned out again! I had asked, is this the robot that you were referring to earlier?" she asked pointing at the bot floating besides Amaru. Amaru turned his head realizing how close the bot was. He then panicked as he jumped back bumping into the glass display setting off an alarm. Everyone began awkwardly staring at the couple for moments until Amaru assured them that everything was okay. The alarm then ceased as the visitors continued their museum tours.

"Zzz . . . hehehe" the little bot chuckled. Amaru pointed at the little guy replying, "Haha, yup this is the one I was referring to." Rosalía walked closer carefully observing the robot when suddenly she recalled where she knew the robot from. "Th-This bot is a Triakis Tetrahedron. It's a Strong Artificial Intelligence also called True Intelligence or Artificial General Intelligence. It was created by Texlar corp. years ago and used to help disseminating information through holography and sequence learning." Amaru looked at Rosalía asking, "What's holography?" To which she briefly explained, "Holography is a technique which enables three-dimensional images [holograms] to be made. It involves the use of a laser, interference, diffraction, light intensity recording and suitable illumination of the recording. The image changes as the position and orientation of the viewing system changes in exactly the same way as if the object were still present, thus making the image appear three-dimensional. I heard these were also used to tutor kids in zone three and train soldiers before the revolt. But they were all banned, discontinued or decommissioned during the librorum prohibitorum operation. Their hard drive contains too much classified information that the government has worked hard to cover up. I also heard that they're able to replicate the image of any human they scanned."

Amaru looked at the little robot raising one of his eyebrows in suspicion, "This cute little robot is that much of a threat?" Amaru asked doubtfully. "Well of course! These little things has the ability to reason, solve puzzles, make judgments, plan, learn, and communicate better than most humans. It should also have consciousness, objective thoughts, self-awareness, sentience, and sapience considering it's software system isn't damaged. Don't you understand, Amaru? This little robot right here is the prototype to the pro-autos that aided Texlar and The Crimson Elk in the revolution. This is the stripped down raw mother board before further developments." Rosalía grabbed the little bot and stuffed it into her purse explaining to Amaru that they shouldn't allow anyone to see it. But when she looked inside her purse the Triakis Tetrahedron was no longer there.

She searched around for it, only to find that it was once again at Amaru's side, reappearing from its invisibility cloak. The girl facepalmed herself saying, "I should have known. It has Quantum Stealth." Amaru held the little bot as it gently rested in his palm gracefully, "Quantum Stealth? You mean like, it can turn invisible?" Amaru asked. Rosalía then replied, "Yeah it can render itself completely invisible by bending the light waves around it. It looks really comfortable with you so I think you should hold onto it. But I think we better return home immediately so I can let The Professor know what we found."

Amaru agreed with Rosalía, bringing the tour of the museum to an end. They both casually walked to the car and returned home. When they arrived at professor Kalinsky's manor, Rosalía went to her office and contacted him as Amaru toyed around with the Triakis Tetrahedron that he had now given the name 'Tetra' for short. The little robot carelessly zoomed around Amaru's room soaring to the ceiling, then out the window and back. Amaru attempted to catch it but it used it's invisibility cloak to hid away from him. Amaru then decided to shut the windows to contain the energetic robot within his room. He sat on his beanbag staring at the robot as it levitated in front of him glistening from the reflection of the neon lights.

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