City Under Siege

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The moon is an astronomical body orbiting earth as its only natural satellite. It was created when a rock the size of mars slammed into the earth, shortly after the solar system began forming about 4.5 billion years ago. The moon is earth's nearest cosmic neighbor. The mysterious moon has always captured the human imagination. Its luminous presence in the night sky made it a symbol of hope and enlightenment. Like the sun, it is often associated with birth, death, and resurrection, but it also controls the rise and fall of the waters and is a fertility symbol. Presiding over dreams, the Moon is linked with bemusement; its dark side relates to the occult. Its feminine qualities bind it to the mother goddesses.

Using it's magnetic affects, it's auric fields emit energy through luminosity that causes various emotions to surface within humans and animals. Disruptive emotions that cause tension such as fatigue, anxiety, agitation and erratic behavior. The monthly cycle of the moon, in contrast to the annual cycle of the sun's path, has been implicitly linked to women's menstrual cycles by many cultures, though this identification was not universal as demonstrated by the fact that not all moon deities are female. The moon holds a significant relationship with the Earth: if there were no moon, the daily lives of humans would significantly change. Nights would be unbelievably darker, as the moon provides light to the earth during the night hours by reflecting light from the sun. In this instance, on this very night, the moon would guide the path of thousands of soldiers, sorcerers, archers, samurai, knights, pro-autos and dragons, as they made a lengthy pilgrimage to Terra Domus as they heeded the distress signal of professor Kalinsky. They were all assembling on a land they called 'Calafia', for the imminent 'Battle of Hegira'. A pivotal battle that would shift the tides, and turn the tables. This war would commence the transference of power and usher in a new age.

Meanwhile within the dome, the law of cause and effect had consumed each and every citizen. Regardless of race, class, gender and other societal distinctions, their fates had now became entwined. The contradictions within the current structure of society had clashes causing an internal implosion of social unrest and civil disobedience. Their fates were bound by the constant historical struggle of the haves and the have-nots. Coerced by the past to repeat that which had already been demonstrated. This domino effect of violence was no longer being sent down the social pyramid, but it had been redirected up the social pyramid instead. With the roles reversed, the violence was much more apparent now.

The laws that the ruling class had established to protect their interest and legitimize their hegemonic dominance were now being undermined. This unjustified hierarchy was brought into question by the masses. A wave of insurrection swept across the dome plunging the city into total chaos. The uproar was spontaneous and unprecedented. The combatants attacked the authorities, forcing them to retreat, granting the citizens the opportunity to march across the bridge that connected zone one and zone two. Once the residence of zone three had gained entry into zone two, which was the business district. They began looting and vandalizing the stores and private property. The residence were forced to retreat into their homes and military safe spaces.

Vehicles were set on fire and molotovs were hurled at walking tanks and mechanical hounds. Surveillance drones were shot down from the sky by rocket launchers. History repeats itself, but not always as we expect it to. This spontaneous uprising came without warning just as the Great Global Cataclysm did. The law enforcers and private investors had no foresight or control over the masses. This was not an economic prediction that could be forecast by the elite economists. They could not cut their losses, file for bankruptcy and liquidate their assets, so that they could flee the dome. This wave of civil unrest came with no forewarning to those who lived comfortably.

Barricades were put in place as SWAT units took formation with their ballistic shields on the bridge that connected zone two to zone one. Their objective was to stop the dissidents from advancing to zone one by any means necessary. If they had restricted them to zones three in the beginning, neutralizing them would have been easier to accomplish. However, the spontaneity of the uprising had left the authorities confounded with no time to strategically make preparations. Many soldiers of Terra Domus took notice of a urbanized guerrilla warfare militia among the masses. These organized groups used the decentralized crowd and chaotic environment as a diversion to subvert the authorities. Even more effectively, as the multitude distracted and occupied the authorities on the surface, the organized groups used the underground sewage system and autonomous zones that they had mapped out to maneuver around the confrontation as they progressed towards zone one.

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