The Meeting At Midnight

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[ Hall of The Council of Romans 13 & The Members of The Aristocracy ]

[ The Cabal Chamber :: Hall of The Masters ]

A few decades later, a very important meeting was held at the expense of the masses. One that would prove to be very consequential in deciding the future of mankind, and the fate of planet earth. Everyone that had been appointed to some position of power was in attendance; the financiers of wars and perpetrators of propaganda, the exploiters of labour and the predators of the global south, the political pundits and the faux populace, the hoarders of wealth and the manufacturers of necessity. The ruling class, the bureaucrats, the government officials, the legislators, the world leaders, the corporatists, and the business magnates. These distinguished delegates were the interlocutors and policy planning elites of the world. They are seated at the absolute peak of the global power pyramid of the world.

This clandestine coterie assembled below the surface as the ones above toiled. Hidden from the sight of the public, invisible to the naked eyes, governed by none because the laws are authorized by the demagogues that they have appointed. They gathered in an underground domain to discuss the agendas of the future. The white gloves that they wore upon their hands signify their hard work and labour to maintain the social structure. The aprons fastened around their waists represented the purity of their hearts as it protected them from the debris of their labour. The compass pays homage to the Supreme Architect of all the universe that has bestowed upon them this divine right to rule over the multitude. The twin pillars of heaven and earth are erected for the sole purpose of destiny tuning, bounding each and every man to his word that he may fulfill that which he has declared in the present—in the future. And the all-seeing eye is centered above them to observe their duties precisely as commanded.

This clandestine organization asserted that they were granted the authority to rule over the world directly from God. They declared that they were elected by the divine forces of the universe, not by the ballots of mere man. This divine democracy was one that excluded their earthly subjects, and if these rulers were to lose their power, which God has appointed them, the world would surely plunge into a state of chaos.

That is why it is significantly important that they rule over the masses and maintain the social hierarchy which constituted that some classes of the human species are inherently superior and other classes are inferior. Some classes are meant to rule and other classes are meant to serve. This has been predicated by the most high ever since the days of the great deluge. Only difference with this modern interpretation was that the subjugation was not specifically directed at the so-called descendants of Ham, but at any member of the poor and undesired classes of any ethnic group.

Thus as it is written, these elites were the class of people that were preordained to sustain order and balance within the universe and anyone who would object this order, would not only have to stand before them. But they would also have to stand before God.

"Greetings, elected members of the council, distinguished delegates of the world, and honorable nobles. My name is Léopold Morgade II, but you will address me as Master Morgade." the young man exclaimed aloud. An effeminate golden blonde haired, blue eyed male with a well-built body and the allure of a beautiful innocent heiress. Due to his androgynous appearance he would face persecution, which lead many to undermine his skill. This forced him to maintain a fixed posture and carry himself in a militant manner that would demand honor and respect. He kept his shoulders broad and his head held high. He made firm unwavering eye contact with whomever he was addressing. Contrary to his outward appearance, his voice was quite masculine. His speech was smooth and articulate, and his words did not slur. His presence was one of intimidation. He needed to make his supremacy known among his inferiors. "I hail from The Pure Lands of The Far South and I am happy to be conducting business with you. My father, Léopold Morgade has sent orders from the magistrates of Antarctica. They have permitted us the authority to move forward in executing our international imperial expansion after the global cataclysm has subsided. We are well aware of the intrinsic instability of you're neoliberal economic system and how prone it is to crashing every 4 to 7 years. With mass unemployment, underemployment, business collapsing, resources wasted, homelessness, environmental destruction, starvation, social unrest, poverty, cronyism, wars, famine, and various other world problems exploited by yourselves. The masses are beginning to see beyond the veil. It is evident that man can create great things when they put their minds to it. Spacecrafts to go beyond earth's atmosphere, weapons of mass destruction, unmanned automated systems, artificial intelligence, medical treatments, methods of mass producing food utilizing technology. Yet, for some odd reason man has neglected their responsibility to combat climate change, heal billions of sick and distribute food to those facing starvation daily. Now, we all know that it is not that we do not have the technology or resources to resolve these specific issues, because we do. It's the fact that it is not profitable for those of you that make a living off of the suffering of the impoverished. While I myself have no personal problem whatsoever with selfish endeavors. In-fact I can care less about the sick and poor. But I must inform you to be mindful gentlemen. Class consciousness is rising and the masses are becoming aware of these truths. Once they have realized that you all have commodified the lives and wellbeing of their love ones, they will unify and show not one of you or your family members any mercy. You will be dragged out of your comfort of your luxurious homes at the dead of night by the very hands that manufacture your goods and slain in the streets. And let us be perfectly honest that they are justified in their actions. After all, how many of them have you guys killed pursuing your self-serving motives. It is obvious that when the masses come for you, and they will. You will need protection, and a system that is more authoritative. This is what The Great Global Reset will guarantee, after The Great Cataclysm. This is what we, The good people at Eliyo-Tech has to offer unto you. The respective rulers of earth. You will find our services to be just as proficient as our infrastructure building." Master Morgade stated as he delivered the opening announcement with a line of mechanized soldiers stationed behind him standing at attention.

The Eternal Glass Ceiling :: The Neo-Reconquistaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن