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Okay so most of this chapter was written with the help of my friend Full-Nite. So with a big thanks to her a little sadisticness to add to this story.


I woke up strapped onto a metal. After struggling to escape I just lay there. There only sound being my panicked breath. In truth, I was terrified beyond belief.

What was going to happen to me!? Not knowing was worse than knowing. At least I could brace myself if I knew. But I didn't know, ignorance is not always bliss. The sterile metal could be felt through my clothes, cold and numbing my back.

Suddenly Em walked through the door, waltzing over to the table, jumping up on it, legs hanging off the side.

"How you doin today?" She giggled.

I gave no answer and pulled at my restraints but I only punished myself with bleeding wrists.

"Why don't they ever answer my questions?" Em sighed to herself, "Always trying to just get away,"

I stopped struggling and eyed her as if she was insane, which; she pretty much was.

Em jumped off the table, "Well to hell with these formalities the show must continue" She grinned at me with a smirk that sent a chill down my spine.

Despite bloody and raw wrists I pulled fiercely at my bonds.

Em seemed unaware of my futile efforts and walked over to a cart, one you might see in an operating room.

She smirked as she selected a nasty jagged knife.

I struggled harder nearly dislocating my wrists.

"Oh don't be like that, this will only hurt.,,. A lot," em giggled, thrusting the knife into my wrist, I cried out but failed to scream like she wanted. She frowned. And then grinned manically. Em began to drag the knife down towards my elbow. I screamed out in agony as she harshly jerked the knife through my forearm. Em ripped the knife out earning another whimper from me. The blood dripped onto the once spotless steel floor. She dropped the knife leaving it to stain the floor, and grabbed something from her cart. I was in too much pain to notice what it was, but then I saw it, and nearly screamed before she thrust the tazor into my side, holding it there for several seconds, letting the current flow through my body. I screamed and screamed tears falling down my face. Finally she pulled away giggling insanely.

I think that's when I passed out.


I was pacing around the room nervously. Japan's screams had stopped for now. But for how long? I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Panicking, I flattened myself against the wall and held my breath. the door creaked open and someone was pushed in. I waited until the footsteps echoed away from the door before I approached the figure. As I recognized the raven hair and pale skin I gasped and ran to Japan's side. 

"Japan! Wake up buddy! Wa-" I stopped when I saw the blood dripping off his right hand. There was a long gash on both sides of his arm, bleeding heavily. He let out a breathy groan as his eyes slowly opened, "Japan!" 

"America?" He asked timidly. His eyes were wide and fearful. I didn't like it. 

"What happened? What happened to your wrist?" I held his wrist up gingerly. 

"She had a knife, and and..Sore wa onegai shi teishi sa seru itai!" Japan clung to me and sobbed into my shoulder. I held him close and rubbed his back, thinking what was going to happen next.


After hours of looking about we all met up in the library again. Romano kept ranting on about that we were being watched and that something had happened to Italy. By now I had a headache that was quickly escalating into a migrane. I decided to take a breather and slipped out into the hallway. I clutched to railing as I thought about Alfred. Wherever he was, I hoped he was safe.

"Quel est le problème, Matthew?" France came out into the hallway with me. He leaned against the wall and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's Alfred." I looked down at my hands.

"You're worried about him?" He asked.

"Yeah. I have a's like what Romano's saying about Italy. I feel like something bad happened to him." As I spoke the ground turned blurry. I felt a hand brush the tears off my cheeks. France cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look up.

"If I know Alfred as much as I think I do, then he's fine."

"I hope so." I forced a smile and glanced about the hallway, "This place sure is creepy."

"That it is." France chuckled a bit, "When he told us of this place I thought he was exaggerating...but now that I'm-" A hand covered his mouth and he was dragged backward. It was the 2p Alfred...Ae wasnt it?

"Let him go!" I tried rushing forward but I was dragged back as well. I glanced back, Ai. Of course.

"Keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you." Ai hissed in my ear. My blood froze as I realized what was going to happen.

France was being kidnapped.

Woo! An update! And thank you Alexis for the first half of writing!

Peace, Love, and INTO THE WOODS!,


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