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Jungkooks pov

I sigh as I lay in bed lazily scrolling through my Instagram dms. All these flirtatious girls yet none able to capture my interest. It's funny honestly. Ive played many people. Now that I think of it, it's not that funny but life goes on. Its all the same. Lay in bed, scroll through Instagram, feel empty, and repeat the next day. All I need is a little spice in my life you know? Like a.. I don't know. It's like I'm empty. Well, thats what people say. They say I'm heartless and I don't care about others feelings. Well, I don't. I just don't see whats wrong with that.

I get taken out of my thoughts as I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I groan and get up and walk to my door.

"Yes?" I look up at Namjoon, one of my roommates. "Are you busy right now?" I roll my eyes "I dont know, Joon. Am I?" He sighs and shrugs "I dont know, thats why I asked. Anyways Yoongs and I were thinking about going down to that new shop that opened. You know, that hybrid shop?"

Hybrid shop. I heard about that opening. Isn't that like human trafficking though, because the hybrids are mostly Human?

I shrug "Why would I need to go with you guys?" He looks into my filthy room "I dont know. I just thought you may get lonely sometimes."

I scoff "Lonely my ass. I have my thoughts to keep me company."

He gasp "You have thots?!"

I mentally facepalm "Yeah sure. I guess I'll go to the hybrid shop. Maybe I'll see a rodent there that appeases me." Namjoon shakes his head frantically "Jungkook, no. Hybrids arent just animals. They're people too. Just with an animal side. They require love and care. You can't just throw them aw-" I cut him off. "I do what I want but im sure the hybrids will appreciate your trying."

I shut my door in his face and walk to my closet thats flooded in white shirts. I scan through all of them. They're all different. No matter what anyone says, they're all different and each has a special meaning to me. Memories. Memories of how I got them, memories of what I did while wearing them, and so on.

I finally pick one and I sniff it and a small smile crawls its way onto my face. A memory.

I was walking through the mall with my first boyfriend. It was summer break and we were both 15. We decided to spend my birthday at the mall doing couple stuff. I saw this white shirt and it just spoke to me. I KNEW I had to have it. He laughed at me but he understood. He payed for it and I immediately went to the bathroom to change into it. It's different from the others. Memory wise and material wise. All my other white shirts are made out of cotton but this one.. this one is made out of polyester.

I chuckle at the memory. Back then, I was so carefree and I actually cared about the world and others feelings. But, oh well, thats the past.

You know what they say. Forget and Move on with your life.

I slide on the shirt and put on some black jeans and my classic timberlands. It better not be muddy outside. These Timberlands are expensive! This hybrid store better be fucking worth it.

I fix up my hair and spritz on some cologne and grab my thick wallet sliding it into my back pocket and walk out my bedroom door.

"Im ready!"

Yoongi, my other roommate, looks at me. "It's about damn time. I almost got a hemorrhoid from just sitting here waiting for you!"

I chuckle "That sounds like a personal problem. You could have stood while you waited."

Namjoon walks into the livingroom and smiles at us showing off his god like dimples "Alright! Lets roll out. I found my keys and we are all ready to go!"

Yoongi groans "You sound way too excited for this. Oh wait, I forgot. You are excited because finally your lonely ass will be able to have someone."

I start to laugh as Namjoon replies with a snarky comment. I shake my head and walk out of the house towards Namjoons white pick-up truck. I shiver as a cool breeze wisps past me. Its kind of chilly today.

I look up at the sky and see the sun being covered by the white clouds. Hmm.. It might rain today or tonight.

Finally, Namjoon and Yoongi walk out and get into the truck which I also do. I buckle up. Just because I dont care about others, doesn't mean I don't care about my own life.

The truck starts to move and I zone out while staring out of the window with the sound of Lemon Boy playing on the raido faintly in the background.

A/n: First chapter! I hope it was good. :D

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