The devil you know

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Alicia stood in one spot as she couldn't believe the shit she was hearing as the man she grew to hate also known as her father made a deal with whom who used to be her best friend also the love of her life as he came off the phone talking to Carlitos his right hand man that tonight was about to be one eventful evening as I wondered what he met

Daddy daddy please help me destiny stated as she screamed her lungs out as my father and I met face to face

Shut that fucking little girl up I don't care what you have to do drug her I really don't care but if that screaming continues I promise  Alicia are you listening

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Shut that fucking little girl up I don't care what you have to do drug her I really don't care but if that screaming continues I promise Alicia are you listening. Yes sir good well you won't be the only one who gets this dick do you hear me. My father said with so much frustration as a look of disgust and the feeling of distaste stared back at this monster.

" if you ever touch that little girl I promise you  or what will you do little girl you must forget whom I am in that very moment I knew what Had to happen
Go get sexy for me tonight will be a night you'll never forget that was one thing we could agree on.

Q watched as his his guest started to appear as everything was going great the bell rang once again he knew his special guest had now arrived as the doors opened revealing a beautiful but angry katalyna Cassandra Wilson as she walked in the room as everyone stood still staring at her

Thank you for joining us katalyna " don't you dare call me that where's destiny. Don't you wanna have some fun my beautiful princess " idk what your trying to do but the only reason I'm here is to return my baby girl back to her father I gave you what you wanted so I expect you to follow through with the deal or have you forgotten

Bring her out now Q stated

Seeing the tears that stained her face as her eyes brightened as he seen me the joy I felt knowing she was happy to see me mommy you came please I wanna go home I want daddy destiny said whatcha broke my heart to know she would be the only one going home

Where the fuck you going you little bitch" mommy please help me

Leave her alone Q I'm here please don't hurt her please. Aww my little princess as a heart finally do you remember the fun we use to have when you were a child the games we use to play how I use to kiss your lips and play with that pretty little pussy just like this

Don't touch my baby please that wasnt a game that was rape I was only 6 and you knew that I said don't fucking touch her destiny baby don't be scared mommy is right here I swear to god quint-on if you touch her

You know the reason your father died he caught me about to push my finger inside you and he beat my ass so I set up his murder all he had to do was look the other cheek but instead he got him self killed

You sick fuck
Shh you were my little princess I had to keep you around so I told you wat you needed to hear and it worked until it didn't but I can finish what you started.

As the lights went dark my tears continued to flow as I quickly ran and grabbed destiny away from that child molester

Has the lights turned back on seeing guns all held high as I looked at the man that I fell in love with stood in the cross fire 

Destiny Cassie y'all ok king yelled from across the room why you here king I told you I'd handle this

Aww look one happy family shut that sappy shit up Q yelled as everyone looked at him Cassie don't worry I'm gonna finish the shit you couldn't then you me and Alicia can be one happy family.

Daddy happy is something we never were Cassie I'm so sorry I got you in this I tried to protect you but after you left I had no choice he touched me every night and I'm tired of it he's the reason I'm the way I am Alicia it's ok

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Daddy happy is something we never were Cassie I'm so sorry I got you in this I tried to protect you but after you left I had no choice he touched me every night and I'm tired of it he's the reason I'm the way I am Alicia it's ok

Kill em all as Q tried to walk away as no one followed his instructions

Stand down boys as Alicia yelled as everyone followed her orders the look on his face was priceless so y'all go follow this bitch all y'all work for me I said kill em

I'm sorry daddy but your time is up

I'm sorry daddy but your time is up

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Fuck you

as the doors opened once again a bullet pierced his skin as we stared in complete shock wondering who did the job we all came to do

The end

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