
(Third person)

Annie laid down across Demi's lap in the back of the SUV. Annie had absolute no idea that her mom was about to be taken away from her for three whole months with very, very, little visitation.

At first they weren't going to let Annie come to the airport, but Annie had been attached at Demi's hip, so there was no way that she was leaving her now.. Or so she thought.

"Ill cary Annie." Eddie said, opening up the door as they parked at the airport.

Annie suddenly woke up and shook her head, "I want mommy."

Demi silently nodded towards her daughter and wrapped her up in her arms, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent.

They exited the car and walked into the airport. Annie had her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Demi, as if her life depended on it.

The realization that Demi would be departed from Annie for three months suddenly hit her and she was struggling to fight back tears... Letting some fall down her face.

Annie turned her head and slowly caught a glimpse of Demi's sad feature and reached her hand up to wipe her mothers tears, "Why are you sad, mommy?"

Those words made Demi want to cry harder, but she held it in. "No reason, baby girl."

"Don't cry! Be happy, mommy!" Annie said, suddenly concerned.

"I'm trying, princess."

They finally got to the place where they have to say goodbye. The toughest part, ever.

Demi sat Annie down and kneeled to her height, giving her a humongous squeeze. "Listen baby, okay? I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to go away for a few.. Weeks.. To help me feel better. We won't see each other to much, but ill call you all the time okay, baby girl?"

Annie shook her head and latched onto Demi, shaking her head, "No! I'll come with you, mommy. Because we're best friends."

Demi's heart ached even more. As if it were possible.

"No, baby, you have to stay here with Grandpa Eddie and Didi. Play with Maddie, get good grades, and be good until mommy gets back, okay?"

"But I don't want you to leave!" Annie sobbed.

"I'll be back soon!"

"Will you be back to tuck me in to bed tonight?" Annie asked, hope rising to her eyes.

"No, baby I won't." Demi said sadly. "But I have to go. Know that I love you more than the whole world and that I'll never, ever, leave you again after I get back."

Annie gripped onto Demi's belt buckle loop, sobbing over the parents pleads to let go.

"I love you, baby!" Demi said, braking away.

"MOMMY! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!" Annie sobbed from a distance. "MOMMY NO!" Was the last thing Demi heard as she entered the plane.

End of flashback.

I never want to feel that feeling ever again. I remember it clearly, as if it was yesterday.

"Know that I'll never, ever, ever leave you again after I get back." Demi's worlds rang through my head. Why did she lie?

I quickly went to Marissa's number and called her. Maybe she still has time for me.

"What's shakin' bacon?" Marissa's cheerful voice rang through the phone.

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