The Search For Megan

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"But yes. Yes! Yes! I'm back bitch. And, I have loads of free time on my hands." She struts over with her perfect body.

"Just accept it that Liam doesn't love you. He never did." I spit, my confidence growing rapidly.

"Hah! It's you he doesn't love! It's obvious! You're just his little charity project. You're just there to help his image." She laughs in my face.

"No. You got this all backwards. It's you that was there to better his image. Management told him to date you for publicity. They said it would be good if he dated someone he met on X Factor. It would bring memories and in the future it would remind everyone where they came from. Now, tell me he doesn't love me. He chose me over you." I say with an attitude.

"No he didn't! He loves me!" Her hands collides with my cheek and the stinging returns. She hits me again, and again, and again.

"Alright. That's enough Dani. You can come back later." Matt stops her. Why-What do they even want from me? I mean, honestly. Why am I so important to them? Especially Matt. I'm not that great. Why the hell would they want me?

I feel one hard punch to the face. I start seeing small black dots everywhere and the last thing I see is Matt dragging Dani out of the room.

-A few days later-

I've been here for who knows how many days. I don't even know what day it is. I think it's been four days so that means it should be the twelfth of November. It also means that the boys already left, which means there's nobody looking for me except maybe my mum and possibly my brother. But I highly doubt he is. We haven't talked in forever. I just want to go home. Back to Liam.


She hasn't shone up and it's been four days. We talked to management and postponed the tour until next week so we could look for her. We called the police and they started the search three days ago. But as we all know, the time that we have the most hope is within forty-two hours. It's obviously been longer than that. So the police are starting to give up. But I'm not. I know she's out there.

"Guys. We have to do something." I finally speak up.

"Like what? What can we do Liam?" Zayn asks, frustrated.

"I don't know. But we need to think of something. I know she's still out there." I say to them.

"What if she doesn't want to be found." Lou points out.

"But why would she do that?" Niall asks, looking between all of us.

"Well, she already disappeared once. Who says she wouldn't do that again?" Lou shrugs.

"Me. I say she wouldn't. She wouldn't just leave us out of the blue. I know her, and she didn't just run away. Especially without talking to her mum or Delaney first." I say, nodding.

"He's right. She wouldn't just run off. She had to have gotten taken." Harry says, standing up.

"C'mon Liam. We're gonna go look for her." He says, grabbing his keys and heading to the door. I follow behind and we go out to his car and drive off on the search for Megan.


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I have been trying to figure out how these people get so many reads and votes and comments...and I'm here like.. 1.8k reads....wth....

But I love you guys who've stuck around

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